python - 检索 ttk.Treeview 项目的 'open' 选项作为 bool 值

标签 python treeview tkinter ttk

我在查询 (Python) ttk.Treeview itemopen 选项时遇到了不良行为。可以通过执行以下操作来设置节点 (item) 的可见性:

tree.item(someItemID, open=True) # or
tree.item(someItemID, open=False) 

我的假设是可以查询 open 选项以获得 bool 值 True/False。但是,情况似乎并非如此。考虑这个脚本:

from Tkinter import *
from ttk import Treeview

def check_state():
    for row in tree.get_children():
        opened = tree.item(row, option='open')
        print row, 'opened:', opened, '(type: %s)' % str(type(opened)), 'Got:',
        if not opened:
            print 'False (bool)'
        elif opened == 'true':
            print 'equal to string "true"'
        elif opened == 'false':
            print 'equal to string "false"'
        elif opened:
            print 'True (bool)'
            print 'something entirely different(!)'

win = Frame()
tree = Treeview(win)
Button(win, text='View state', command=check_state).pack()

level1 = ['C:\\dir1', 'C:\\dir2', 'C:\\dir3']
level2 = ['one.txt', 'two.txt', 'three.txt']
for L in level1:
    iid = tree.insert('', END, text=L)
    for M in level2:
        tree.insert(iid, END, text=M)


运行时,它会显示一个小的 Treeview 控件,其中填充了假目录和文件名。 打开或关闭任何顶级节点之前,按下按钮将打开 选项状态转储到标准输出。应该看起来像这样:

I001 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)
I005 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)
I009 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)


I001 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)
I005 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)
I009 opened: true (type: <type '_tkinter.Tcl_Obj'>) Got: True (bool)


I001 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)
I005 opened: 0 (type: <type 'int'>) Got: False (bool)
I009 opened: false (type: <type '_tkinter.Tcl_Obj'>) Got: True (bool)


  1. 不一致:虽然初始化为int,但后来分配的值是_tkinter对象
  2. bool 比较失败:尽管 _tkinter 对象呈现为字符串“true”或“false”,但它们不会评估为 True 和 False(例如打印的 _tkinter 对象作为“假”评估为真)

有人知道是什么吗?如何可靠地确定 Treeview 项目的打开/关闭状态?


在 Barron Stone 的 Lynda 类(class)中,使用 Tkinter 进行 Python GUI 开发,类(class)视频,Building a hierarchical treeview ,有一个示例说明如何获取“已打开?”结果。我修改了下面的例子:

IDLE 控制台中的 Python 3.5

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> from tkinter import ttk
>>> root = Tk()
>>> treeview = ttk.Treeview(root)
>>> treeview.pack()
>>> treeview.insert('', '0', 'par1', text = 'Parent')
>>> treeview.insert('par1', '0', 'child1', text = 'Child')
>>> treeview.item('par1', 'open')
>>> treeview.item('par1', open = True)
>>> treeview.item('par1', 'open')

不是要求的 bool 值,而是同样好的 int

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