python - 阅读文件中的 Nose 测试参数,尤其是@attr

标签 python attr nose nosetests


nosetests -a tag1='one'

有没有办法在我的脚本中打印 tag1 的用户输入?

@attr(tag1=['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
def test_real_logic(self):
    #how to print the user input here


并非没有痛苦。 self.test_real_logic.tag1 应该给你附加到函数的所有属性。它们作为字典存储在测试函数的 __dict__ 属性中。 对于 test_real_logic.tag1,它将是 ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'].


import sys
def get_attr_dict(cls):
   # cls here is either unittest.TestCase or whatever stores your test
   return getattr(cls, sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name).__dict__

现在您必须遍历本地属性并将它们与系统参数进行匹配并打印常见的属性,类似于属性插件已经做的事情。或者您可以稍微修改现有的 attrib 插件方法 validateAttrib 以便它向属性列表添加一个匹配的属性,就像这样(在 Lib/site- packages/nose/plugins/

def validateAttrib(self, method, cls = None):
    """Verify whether a method has the required attributes
    The method is considered a match if it matches all attributes
    for any attribute group.
    # TODO: is there a need for case-sensitive value comparison?
    any = False
    for group in self.attribs:
        match = True
        for key, value in group:
            attr = get_method_attr(method, cls, key)
            if callable(value):
                if not value(key, method, cls):
                    match = False
            elif value is True:
                # value must exist and be True
                if not bool(attr):
                    match = False
            elif value is False:
                # value must not exist or be False
                if bool(attr):
                    match = False
            elif type(attr) in (list, tuple):
                # value must be found in the list attribute
                if not str(value).lower() in [str(x).lower()
                                              for x in attr]:
                    match = False
                # value must match, convert to string and compare
                if (value != attr
                    and str(value).lower() != str(attr).lower()):
                    match = False
        any = any or match
        #remember match
        if match:
            matched_key = key
            matched_value = value 

    if any:
        method.__dict__['matched_key'] = matched_key
        method.__dict__['matched_value'] = matched_value

        # not True because we don't want to FORCE the selection of the
        # item, only say that it is acceptable
        return None
    return False

这样你的 self.test_real_logic 将有两个额外的属性 matched_key=tag1matched_value=one ,你可以像 >tag1 属性。

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