python - Netbeans 8.0 启动报错

标签 python macos netbeans netbeans-plugins

我最近尝试安装 NetBeans 插件,描述如下:

但是,当我现在尝试启动 NetBeans 时,出现了一个可怕的错误,它是这样开始的:

Warning - could not install some modules: Java Source Queries - None of the modules providing the capability could be installed. Debugger Core API - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Resource Bundles - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Quick Search API - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Quick Search API - The module named org.netbeans.api.progress.compat8 was needed and not found. XML Core - The module named org.netbeans.api.xml.ui/1 was needed and not found. XML Core - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. XML Multiview Editor - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Common Palette - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Templates - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Settings API - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Auto Update Services - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Auto Update Services - The module named org.netbeans.api.progress.compat8 was needed and not found. REST Application Platform Sample - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. .manifest file Editor Support - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. .diff File Editor Support - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Java Support APIs - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Java Platform - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. User Utilities - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. js-test-driver Wrapper - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. Editor Settings - None of the modules providing the capability org.netbeans.api.editor.settings.implementation could be installed. Editor Library 2 - None of the modules providing the capability org.netbeans.modules.editor.actions could be installed. HTTP Server - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found. HTTP Server-Side Monitor - None of the modules providing the capability org.openide.util.HttpServer$Impl could be installed. HTTP Server-Side Monitor - The module named org.openide.filesystems.compat8 was needed and not found.


我在 OS X 上运行它。

我已经删除了目录 /Users/<MyUser>/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/Users/<MyUser>/Library/Caches/NetBeans ,正如我在一些地方看到的那样,但我仍然收到相同的错误。




遇到同样的僵局,我上下搜索了 和其他网站,提供了我的错误日志

我详尽地搜索了esp。我的 %appdata%/Netbeans 中的 jar 和 xml 文件,按最新修改时间排序, 并找到如下文件:

C:\Users\master\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.0\modules org-netbeans-modules-jira-rest.jar org-netbeans-modules-jira-xmlrpc.jar org-netbeans-modules-scanondemand.jar 等


看到没有真正的解决方案来回滚失败的更新,至少为了让我的 Netbeans 重新启动,我安装了夜间构建在其他地方进行比较(在虚拟机上,我的“备用”PC)。

继续比较全新安装和损坏的安装。 对我损坏的 %appdata% 的任何更改似乎都不允许 NB 启动。

最后,我比较了系统范围的安装文件夹,发现在我损坏的副本中,不仅许多 .jar 文件大小不同,而且有些文件完全丢失,包括这个与我遇到的启动错误广泛相关的文件:



好像是中的一些来源永远不应该被允许进入更新中心。 (在我的例子中是……尽管依赖链完全不清楚。)


它需要一些更新,然后再重新启动。 我的大部分设置仍然存在,深色主题、最近的文件列表等。 除了 Ruby on Rails 插件,它一直处于禁用状态,我仍在尝试重新添加和启用它,因为它甚至阻止了我的 ROR 项目的打开。

总而言之,糟糕的部分解决方法可能相当于使用开发版重新安装 Netbeans(之前我使用的是 8.0.2)。

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