python - Mayavi contour3d 文档提到 "the arrows"时是什么意思?

标签 python mayavi

我了解如何在 mayavi 中绘制数据网格的轮廓,如下所示:

from mayavi import mlab


mlab.contour3d(x, y, z, my_data_grid)


If 4 arrays, (x, y, z, scalars) are passed, the 3 first arrays give the position of the arrows, and the last the scalar value.


编辑:现在我明白了 mlab 期望 x、y 和 z 的格式,并且我能够让它工作。然而,并没有箭矢!我假设这是文档中的错误...



Plots iso-surfaces for a 3D volume of data supplied as arguments


The x, y and z arrays are then supposed to have been generated by numpy.mgrid, in other words, they are 3D arrays, with positions lying on a 3D orthogonal and regularly spaced grid with nearest neighbor in space matching nearest neighbor in the array. The function builds a scalar field assuming the points are regularly spaced.

“箭头”似乎有点笨拙,表示 xyz 是 `

3D arrays, with positions lying on a 3D orthogonal and regularly spaced grid


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