python - Windows 上 Python 控制台中的进度条

标签 python python-3.x progress-bar windows-7-x64


Python Progress Bar

Text Progress Bar in the Console

为方便起见,我正在重现我尝试过的一些代码(来自上述线程的示例)及其输出。我是否理解错误,它会更新同一行或者我错过了什么。感谢你的帮助。我在 Windows 7 上使用 Python 3.4 并在控制台上获取输出(无 GUI)。

示例 1:

import progressbar
import time, sys

progress = progressbar.ProgressBar()
for i in progress(range(80)):

输出 1:

  0% |                                                                        |
  1% |                                                                        |
  2% |#                                                                       |
  3% |##                                                                      |
  5% |###                                                                     |
  6% |####                                                                    |
  7% |#####                                                                   |
  8% |######                                                                  |
 10% |#######                                                                 |
 11% |########                                                                |
 12% |#########                                                               |
 13% |#########                                                               |
 15% |##########                                                              |
 16% |###########                                                             |
 17% |############                                                            |
 18% |#############                                                           |
 20% |##############                                                          |
 21% |###############                                                         |
 22% |################                                                        |
 23% |#################                                                       |
 25% |##################                                                      |
 26% |##################                                                      |
 27% |###################                                                     |
 28% |####################                                                    |
 30% |#####################                                                   |
 31% |######################                                                  |
 32% |#######################                                                 |
 33% |########################                                                |
 35% |#########################                                               |
 36% |##########################                                              |
 37% |###########################                                             |
 38% |###########################                                             |
 40% |############################                                            |
 41% |#############################                                           |
 42% |##############################                                          |
 43% |###############################                                         |
 45% |################################                                        |
 46% |#################################                                       |
 47% |##################################                                      |
 48% |###################################                                     |
 50% |####################################                                    |
 51% |####################################                                    |
 52% |#####################################                                   |
 53% |######################################                                  |
 55% |#######################################                                 |
 56% |########################################                                |
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 60% |###########################################                             |
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 66% |###############################################                         |
 67% |################################################                        |
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 70% |##################################################                      |
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 72% |####################################################                    |
 73% |#####################################################                   |
 75% |######################################################                  |
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 77% |#######################################################                 |
 78% |########################################################                |
 80% |#########################################################               |
 81% |##########################################################              |
 82% |###########################################################             |
 83% |############################################################            |
 85% |#############################################################           |
 86% |##############################################################          |
 87% |###############################################################         |
 88% |###############################################################         |
 90% |################################################################        |
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 92% |##################################################################      |
 93% |###################################################################     |
 95% |####################################################################    |
 96% |#####################################################################   |
 97% |######################################################################  |
 98% |####################################################################### |
100% |########################################################################|

示例 2:

for i in range(0, 101, 10):
  sys.stdout.write('\r>> You have finished %3d%%\r' % i)

输出 2:

You have finished 0% >> You have finished 10% >> You have finished 20% >> You have finished 30% >> You have finished 40% >> You have finished 50% >> You have finished 60% >> You have finished 70% >> You have finished 80% >> You have finished 90% >> You have finished 100%

示例 3:

def update_progress(progress):
    barLength = 20 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
    status = ""
    if isinstance(progress, int):
        progress = float(progress)
    if not isinstance(progress, float):
        progress = 0
        status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n"
    if progress < 0:
        progress = 0
        status = "Halt...\r\n"
    if progress >= 1:
        progress = 1
        status = "Done...\r\n"
    block = int(round(barLength*progress))
    text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format( "="*block + " "*(barLength-block), progress*100, status)

print("progress : 0->1")
for i in range(101):

print("Test completed")

输出 3:


progress : 0->1

Percent: [                    ] 0.0% 
Percent: [                    ] 1.0% 
Percent: [                    ] 2.0% 
Percent: [=                   ] 3.0% 
Percent: [=                   ] 4.0% 
Percent: [=                   ] 5.0% 
Percent: [=                   ] 6.0% 
Percent: [=                   ] 7.000000000000001% 
Percent: [==                  ] 8.0% 
Percent: [==                  ] 9.0% 
Percent: [==                  ] 10.0% 
Percent: [==                  ] 11.0% 
Percent: [==                  ] 12.0% 
Percent: [===                 ] 13.0% 
Percent: [===                 ] 14.000000000000002% 
Percent: [===                 ] 15.0% 
Percent: [===                 ] 16.0% 
Percent: [===                 ] 17.0% 
Percent: [====                ] 18.0% 
Percent: [====                ] 19.0% 
Percent: [====                ] 20.0% 
Percent: [====                ] 21.0% 
Percent: [====                ] 22.0% 
Percent: [=====               ] 23.0% 
Percent: [=====               ] 24.0% 
Percent: [=====               ] 25.0% 
Percent: [=====               ] 26.0% 
Percent: [=====               ] 27.0% 
Percent: [======              ] 28.000000000000004% 
Percent: [======              ] 28.999999999999996% 
Percent: [======              ] 30.0% 
Percent: [======              ] 31.0% 
Percent: [======              ] 32.0% 
Percent: [=======             ] 33.0% 
Percent: [=======             ] 34.0% 
Percent: [=======             ] 35.0% 
Percent: [=======             ] 36.0% 
Percent: [=======             ] 37.0% 
Percent: [========            ] 38.0% 
Percent: [========            ] 39.0% 
Percent: [========            ] 40.0% 
Percent: [========            ] 41.0% 
Percent: [========            ] 42.0% 
Percent: [=========           ] 43.0% 
Percent: [=========           ] 44.0% 
Percent: [=========           ] 45.0% 
Percent: [=========           ] 46.0% 
Percent: [=========           ] 47.0% 
Percent: [==========          ] 48.0% 
Percent: [==========          ] 49.0% 
Percent: [==========          ] 50.0% 
Percent: [==========          ] 51.0% 
Percent: [==========          ] 52.0% 
Percent: [===========         ] 53.0% 
Percent: [===========         ] 54.0% 
Percent: [===========         ] 55.00000000000001% 
Percent: [===========         ] 56.00000000000001% 
Percent: [===========         ] 56.99999999999999% 
Percent: [============        ] 57.99999999999999% 
Percent: [============        ] 59.0% 
Percent: [============        ] 60.0% 
Percent: [============        ] 61.0% 
Percent: [============        ] 62.0% 
Percent: [=============       ] 63.0% 
Percent: [=============       ] 64.0% 
Percent: [=============       ] 65.0% 
Percent: [=============       ] 66.0% 
Percent: [=============       ] 67.0% 
Percent: [==============      ] 68.0% 
Percent: [==============      ] 69.0% 
Percent: [==============      ] 70.0% 
Percent: [==============      ] 71.0% 
Percent: [==============      ] 72.0% 
Percent: [===============     ] 73.0% 
Percent: [===============     ] 74.0% 
Percent: [===============     ] 75.0% 
Percent: [===============     ] 76.0% 
Percent: [===============     ] 77.0% 
Percent: [================    ] 78.0% 
Percent: [================    ] 79.0% 
Percent: [================    ] 80.0% 
Percent: [================    ] 81.0% 
Percent: [================    ] 82.0% 
Percent: [=================   ] 83.0% 
Percent: [=================   ] 84.0% 
Percent: [=================   ] 85.0% 
Percent: [=================   ] 86.0% 
Percent: [=================   ] 87.0% 
Percent: [==================  ] 88.0% 
Percent: [==================  ] 89.0% 
Percent: [==================  ] 90.0% 
Percent: [==================  ] 91.0% 
Percent: [==================  ] 92.0% 
Percent: [=================== ] 93.0% 
Percent: [=================== ] 94.0% 
Percent: [=================== ] 95.0% 
Percent: [=================== ] 96.0% 
Percent: [=================== ] 97.0% 
Percent: [====================] 98.0% 
Percent: [====================] 99.0% 
Percent: [====================] 100% Done...

Test completed



>>> import time
>>> for i in range(0, 101, 10):
...     print('\rYou have finished %3d%%' % i, end='', flush=True)
...     time.sleep(1)
... else:
...     print()
You have finished 100%

在 win32 上使用 Python 3.4.3 为我工作...

Idle 无法正确呈现回车符。

查看python print one line same space . “完成,我错误地使用了 IDLE”或 Implementing a backspace in Python 3.3.2 Shell using Idle .

Idle 更像是一个 Python 文本编辑器,没有真正的控制台...因此您无法解释控制符号并同时正确打印它...

>>> print("asd\rfgh")

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