python - 哪个 Python JOSE 库支持嵌套 JWT(签名+加密)?

标签 python jwt python-jose jose

我查看了 python-jose 和 jose,但似乎都不支持加密已签名的 JWT。例如,“jose”库支持单独签名和加密,无需嵌套。

我是否遗漏了什么,比如在库外嵌套 JWT 可能相当容易?如果是这样,请分享实现此目的的技巧,以便结果的格式正确。


jwcrypto支持嵌套的 JWS 和 JWE。


# Load your RSA pub and private keys
pubKey = jwk.JWK().from_pyca(serializedPublicKey)
privateKey = jwk.JWK().from_pyca(serializedPrivateKey)

# your JWT claims go here
claims = {
    # JWT claims in JSON format
# sign the JWT
# specify algorithm needed for JWS
header = {
          u'alg' : 'RS256', 
# generate JWT
T = jwt.JWT(header, claims)
# sign the JWT with a private key
# serialize it
signed_token = T.serialize(compact=True)

# JWE algorithm in the header
eprot = {
    'alg': "RSA-OAEP", 
    'enc': "A128CBC-HS256",
E = jwe.JWE(signed_token, json_encode(eprot))
# encrypt with a public key
# serialize it
encrypted_signed_token = E.serialize(compact=True)


#Decrypt and Verify signature
E = jwe.JWE()
# deserialize and decrypt
E.deserialize(encrypted_signed_token, key=privateKey)
raw_payload = E.payload
# verify signature
S = jws.JWS()
S.deserialize(raw_payload, key=pubKey)
final_payload = S.payload

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