Python 测试类卡在 'Instantiating tests'

标签 python matplotlib

我的测试类生成了所需的图,但我每次都必须手动停止执行 - 控制台继续显示“实例化测试”;谁能发现为什么执行永远不会停止?任何关于增加我的代码的“Pythonic-ness”的提示也将不胜感激!

(Python 3.5 在 Mac OS X 10.11.6 上的 PyCharm CE 2016.2.1 中运行)

# A program to test various sorting algorithms. It generates random lists of various sizes, 
# sorts them, and then tests that:
#   a. the list is in ascending order
#   b. the set of elements is the same as the original list
#   c. record the time taken

import random
import timeit
from unittest import TestCase

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from Sorter import insertionsort, mergesort, quicksort

class TestSort(TestCase):
    def test_sorting(self):

        times_insertionsort = []   # holds the running times for insertion sort
        times_quicksort = []       # holds the running times for quick sort
        times_mergesort = []       # holds the running times for merge sort
        lengths = []               # holds the array lengths

        # determine the number of lists to be created
        for i in range(0, 13):

            # initialise a new empty list
            pre_sort = []

            # determine the list's length, then populate the list with 'random' data
            for j in range(0, i * 100):
                pre_sort.append(random.randint(0, 1000))

            # record the length of the list

            # record the time taken by quicksort to sort the list
            start_time = timeit.default_timer()
            post_quicksort = quicksort(pre_sort)
            finish_time = timeit.default_timer()
            times_quicksort.append((finish_time - start_time) * 1000)

            # record the time taken by insertionsort to sort the list
            start_time = timeit.default_timer()
            post_insertionsort = insertionsort(pre_sort)
            finish_time = timeit.default_timer()
            times_insertionsort.append((finish_time - start_time) * 1000)

            # record the time taken by mergesort to sort the list
            start_time = timeit.default_timer()
            post_mergesort = mergesort(pre_sort)
            finish_time = timeit.default_timer()
            times_mergesort.append((finish_time - start_time) * 1000)

            # check that:
            #   a. the list is in ascending order
            #   b. the set of elements is the same as the original list
            for k in range(0, len(pre_sort) - 1):
                self.assertTrue(post_insertionsort[k] in pre_sort)
                self.assertTrue(post_insertionsort[k] <= post_insertionsort[k + 1])
                self.assertTrue(post_mergesort[k] == post_insertionsort[k])
                self.assertTrue(post_mergesort[k] == post_quicksort[k])

        # plot the results
        plt.plot(lengths, times_insertionsort, 'r')
        plt.plot(lengths, times_quicksort, 'g')
        plt.plot(lengths, times_mergesort, 'b')
        plt.xlabel('List size')
        plt.ylabel('Execution time (ms)')


您需要关闭显示绘图的窗口,以便脚本(在本例中为您的测试)继续/完成/完成。 From the docs ,强调我的:

When you want to view your plots on your display, the user interface backend will need to start the GUI mainloop. This is what show() does. It tells matplotlib to raise all of the figure windows created so far and start the mainloop. Because this mainloop is blocking by default (i.e., script execution is paused), you should only call this once per script, at the end. Script execution is resumed after the last window is closed. Therefore, if you are using matplotlib to generate only images and do not want a user interface window, you do not need to call show (see Generate images without having a window appear and What is a backend?).

或者不使用 show() 进行测试,只生成一个图像,您可以稍后进行验证。

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