python - 通过Python批量插入couchbase

标签 python json csv couchbase

我正在尝试在沙发底座上进行一些批量插入。我尝试通过 SO 和谷歌搜索示例,但我找不到任何线索。这里有人提到这是不可能的。

How to insert a documents in bulk in Couchbase?


这是我想要在 couchbase 中实现批量插入的代码

import time
import csv
from couchbase import Couchbase
from couchbase.bucket import Bucket
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseError
c = Bucket('couchbase://localhost/bulk-load')
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseTransientError
BYTES_PER_BATCH = 1024 * 256 # 256K

with open('/home/royshah/Desktop/bulk_try/roy.csv') as csvfile:
    lines = csvfile.readlines()[4:]
for k, line in enumerate(lines):
    data_tmp = line.strip().split(',')
    strDate = data_tmp[0].replace("\"", "")
    timerecord = datetime.datetime.strptime(strDate,
                                           '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    microsecs = timerecord.microsecond
    strDate = "\"" + strDate + "\""
    ts = calendar.timegm(timerecord.timetuple())*1000000 + microsecs
    datastore = [ts] + data_tmp[1:]

    stre = {'col1 ': datastore[1],  # I am making key-values on the fly from csv file
            'col2': datastore[2],
            'col3': datastore[3],
            'col4': datastore[4],
            'col5': datastore[5],
            'col6': datastore[6]}
  cb.upsert(str(datastore[0]), (stre))    # datastore[0] is used as document
                                      id and (stre) is used as key-value to be
                                      inserted for respective id. 

cb.upsert(str(数据存储[0]), (stre)) 正在进行单次插入,我想使其批量插入以使其更快。我不知道如何将其批量插入沙发底座中。我找到了这个例子,但不知道如何实现。

如果有人指出 couchbase 中批量加载的一些示例,或者帮助我弄清楚如何通过我的代码进行批量插入。我会非常非常感激。非常感谢您的任何想法或帮助。


我尝试改编 docs 中的示例到您的用例。您可能需要更改一两个细节,但您应该明白了。

c = Bucket('couchbase://localhost/bulk-load')
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseTransientError
BYTES_PER_BATCH = 1024 * 256 # 256K

batches = []
cur_batch = {}
cur_size = 0

with open('/home/royshah/Desktop/bulk_try/roy.csv') as csvfile:
    lines = csvfile.readlines()[4:]
for key, line in enumerate(lines):
    #Format your data
    data_tmp = line.strip().split(',')
    strDate = data_tmp[0].replace("\"", "")
    timerecord = datetime.datetime.strptime(strDate,
                                           '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    microsecs = timerecord.microsecond
    strDate = "\"" + strDate + "\""
    timestamp = calendar.timegm(timerecord.timetuple())*1000000 + microsecs

    #Build kv
    datastore = [ts] + data_tmp[1:]
    value = {'col1 ': datastore[1],  # I am making key-values on the fly from csv file
            'col2': datastore[2],
            'col3': datastore[3],
            'col4': datastore[4],
            'col5': datastore[5],
            'col6': datastore[6]}

    key = str(datastore[0]
    cur_batch[key] = value
    cur_size += len(key) + len(value) + 24

    if cur_size > BYTES_PER_BATCH:
        cur_batch = {}
        cur_size = 0

print "Have {} batches".format(len(batches))
num_completed = 0
while batches:
  batch = batches[-1]
      num_completed += len(batch)
  except CouchbaseTransientError as e:
      print e
      ok, fail = e.split_results()
      new_batch = {}
      for key in fail:
          new_batch[key] = all_data[key]
      num_completed += len(ok)
      print "Retrying {}/{} items".format(len(new_batch), len(ok))

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