Python 将新列添加到文件的开头

标签 python csv dataset

我一直试图在 python 中向这个数据集添加一个新的 id 列

0000008::Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (1894)::Documentary|Short 
0000010::La sortie des usines Lumière (1895)::Documentary|Short
0000012::The Arrival of a Train (1896)::Documentary|Short
25::The Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race (1895)::
0000091::Le manoir du diable (1896)::Short|Horror
0000417::Le voyage dans la lune (1902)::Short|Adventure|Fantasy
0000439::The Great Train Robbery (1903)::Short|Action|Crime
0443::Hiawatha, the Messiah of the Ojibway (1903)::
0000628::The Adventures of Dollie (1908)::Action|Short

我要完成的是在开头添加一个带有 id 的列,所以它看起来像这样,但我不确定我会怎么做。如果有人可以帮助我解决它,我会很高兴。

0::0000008::Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (1894)::Documentary|Short 
1::0000010::La sortie des usines Lumière (1895)::Documentary|Short
2::0000012::The Arrival of a Train (1896)::Documentary|Short
3::25::The Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race (1895)::
4::0000091::Le manoir du diable (1896)::Short|Horror
5::0000417::Le voyage dans la lune (1902)::Short|Adventure|Fantasy
6::0000439::The Great Train Robbery (1903)::Short|Action|Crime
7::0443::Hiawatha, the Messiah of the Ojibway (1903)::
8::0000628::The Adventures of Dollie (1908)::Action|Short


假设您的输入文件名为 in_file,您的输出文件名为 out_file,您可以在 Python2 或/和Python3:


data = (k.rstrip() for k in open("in_file", 'r'))
with open("out_file", 'a+') as f:
    for k,v in enumerate(data):            


data = (k.rstrip() for k in open("in_file", 'r'))
f = open("out_file", 'a+')
for k,v in enumerate(data):
    f.write("%d::%s\n" % (k,v))

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