python - Cython对代码的优化

标签 python numpy scipy cython cythonize

我正在努力用 Cython 提高我的 python 粒子跟踪代码的性能。

这是我的纯 Python 代码:

from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, pi, sin, cos
from time import time as Time
import multiprocessing as mp
from functools import partial

cLight = 299792458.
Dim = 6

class Integrator:
    def __init__(self, ring):
        self.ring = ring

    def equations(self, X, s):
        dXds = np.zeros(Dim)

        E, B = self.ring.getEMField( [X[0], X[2], s], X[4] )

        h = 1 + X[0]/self.ring.ringRadius
        p_s = np.sqrt(X[5]**2 - self.ring.particle.mass**2 - X[1]**2 - X[3]**2)
        dtds = h*X[5]/p_s
        gamma = X[5]/self.ring.particle.mass
        beta = np.array( [X[1], X[3], p_s] ) / X[5]

        dXds[0] = dtds*beta[0]
        dXds[2] = dtds*beta[1]
        dXds[1] = p_s/self.ring.ringRadius + self.ring.particle.charge*(dtds*E[0] + dXds[2]*B[2] - h*B[1])
        dXds[3] = self.ring.particle.charge*(dtds*E[1] + h*B[0] - dXds[0]*B[2])
        dXds[4] = dtds
        dXds[5] = self.ring.particle.charge*(dXds[0]*E[0] + dXds[2]*E[1] + h*E[2])
        return dXds

    def odeSolve(self, X0, sRange):
        sol = odeint(self.equations, X0, sRange)
        return sol

class Ring:
    def __init__(self, particle):
        self.particle = particle
        self.ringRadius = 7.112
        self.magicB0 = self.particle.magicMomentum/self.ringRadius

    def getEMField(self, pos, time):
        x, y, s = pos
        theta = (s/self.ringRadius*180/pi) % 360
        r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        arg = 0 if r == 0 else np.angle( complex(x/r, y/r) )
        rn = r/0.045

        k2 = 37*24e3
        k10 = -4*24e3

        E = np.zeros(3)
        B = np.array( [ 0, self.magicB0, 0 ] )

        for i in range(4):
            if ((21.9+90*i < theta < 34.9+90*i or 38.9+90*i < theta < 64.9+90*i) and (-0.05 < x < 0.05 and -0.05 < y < 0.05)):
                E = np.array( [ k2*x/0.045 + k10*rn**9*cos(9*arg), -k2*y/0.045 -k10*rn**9*sin(9*arg), 0] )
        return E, B

class Particle:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mass = 105.65837e6
        self.charge = 1.
        self.gm2 = 0.001165921 

        self.magicMomentum = self.mass/sqrt(self.gm2)
        self.magicEnergy = sqrt(self.magicMomentum**2 + self.mass**2)
        self.magicGamma = self.magicEnergy/self.mass
        self.magicBeta = self.magicMomentum/(self.magicGamma*self.mass)

def runSimulation(nParticles, tEnd):
    particle = Particle()
    ring = Ring(particle)
    integrator = Integrator(ring)

    Xs = np.array( [ np.array( [45e-3*(np.random.rand()-0.5)*2, 0, 0, 0, 0, particle.magicEnergy] ) for i in range(nParticles) ] )
    sRange = np.arange(0, tEnd, 1e-9)*particle.magicBeta*cLight 

    ode = partial(integrator.odeSolve, sRange=sRange)

    t1 = Time()

    pool = mp.Pool()
    sol = np.array(, Xs))

    t2 = Time()
    print ("%.3f sec" %(t2-t1))

    return t2-t1

显然,最耗时的过程是积分 ODE,在 Integrator 类中定义为 odeSolve() 和 equations()。此外,类 Ring 中的 getEMField() 方法在求解过程中被调用的次数与 equations() 方法一样多。 我尝试使用 Cython 获得显着的加速(至少 10 倍~20 倍),但通过以下 Cython 脚本我只获得了 ~1.5 倍的加速:

import cython
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from libc.math cimport sqrt, pi, sin, cos

from scipy.integrate import odeint
from time import time as Time
import multiprocessing as mp
from functools import partial

cdef double cLight = 299792458.
cdef int Dim = 6

cdef class Integrator:
    cdef Ring ring

    def __init__(self, ring):
        self.ring = ring

    cpdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] equations(self,
                  np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] X,
                  double s):
        cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] dXds = np.zeros(Dim)
        cdef double h, p_s, dtds, gamma
        cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] beta, E, B

        E, B = self.ring.getEMField( [X[0], X[2], s], X[4] )

        h = 1 + X[0]/self.ring.ringRadius
        p_s = np.sqrt(X[5]*X[5] - self.ring.particle.mass*self.ring.particle.mass - X[1]*X[1] - X[3]*X[3])
        dtds = h*X[5]/p_s
        gamma = X[5]/self.ring.particle.mass
        beta = np.array( [X[1], X[3], p_s] ) / X[5]

        dXds[0] = dtds*beta[0]
        dXds[2] = dtds*beta[1]
        dXds[1] = p_s/self.ring.ringRadius + self.ring.particle.charge*(dtds*E[0] + dXds[2]*B[2] - h*B[1])
        dXds[3] = self.ring.particle.charge*(dtds*E[1] + h*B[0] - dXds[0]*B[2])
        dXds[4] = dtds
        dXds[5] = self.ring.particle.charge*(dXds[0]*E[0] + dXds[2]*E[1] + h*E[2])
        return dXds

    cpdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] odeSolve(self,
                 np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] X0,
                 np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] sRange):
        sol = odeint(self.equations, X0, sRange)
        return sol

cdef class Ring:
    cdef Particle particle
    cdef double ringRadius
    cdef double magicB0

    def __init__(self, particle):
        self.particle = particle
        self.ringRadius = 7.112
        self.magicB0 = self.particle.magicMomentum/self.ringRadius

    cpdef tuple getEMField(self,
                   list pos,
                   double time):
        cdef double x, y, s
        cdef double theta, r, rn, arg, k2, k10
        cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False, mode="c"] E, B

        x, y, s = pos
        theta = (s/self.ringRadius*180/pi) % 360
        r = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
        arg = 0 if r == 0 else np.angle( complex(x/r, y/r) )
        rn = r/0.045

        k2 = 37*24e3
        k10 = -4*24e3

        E = np.zeros(3)
        B = np.array( [ 0, self.magicB0, 0 ] )

        for i in range(4):
            if ((21.9+90*i < theta < 34.9+90*i or 38.9+90*i < theta < 64.9+90*i) and (-0.05 < x < 0.05 and -0.05 < y < 0.05)):
                E = np.array( [ k2*x/0.045 + k10*rn**9*cos(9*arg), -k2*y/0.045 -k10*rn**9*sin(9*arg), 0] )
                #E = np.array( [ k2*x/0.045, -k2*y/0.045, 0] )
        return E, B

cdef class Particle:
    cdef double mass
    cdef double charge
    cdef double gm2

    cdef double magicMomentum
    cdef double magicEnergy
    cdef double magicGamma
    cdef double magicBeta

    def __init__(self):
        self.mass = 105.65837e6
        self.charge = 1.
        self.gm2 = 0.001165921 

        self.magicMomentum = self.mass/sqrt(self.gm2)
        self.magicEnergy = sqrt(self.magicMomentum**2 + self.mass**2)
        self.magicGamma = self.magicEnergy/self.mass
        self.magicBeta = self.magicMomentum/(self.magicGamma*self.mass)

def runSimulation(nParticles, tEnd):
    particle = Particle()
    ring = Ring(particle)
    integrator = Integrator(ring)

    #nParticles = 5
    Xs = np.array( [ np.array( [45e-3*(np.random.rand()-0.5)*2, 0, 0, 0, 0, particle.magicEnergy] ) for i in range(nParticles) ] )
    sRange = np.arange(0, tEnd, 1e-9)*particle.magicBeta*cLight 

    ode = partial(integrator.odeSolve, sRange=sRange)

    t1 = Time()

    pool = mp.Pool()
    sol = np.array(, Xs))

    t2 = Time()
    print ("%.3f sec" %(t2-t1))

    return t2-t1

我应该怎么做才能从 Cython 中获得最大的效果? (我尝试使用 Numba 而不是 Cython,实际上 Numba 带来的性能提升是巨大的(大约 20 倍加速)。但是我很难将 Numba 用于 python 类实例,因此我决定使用 Cython 而不是 Numba)。

供引用,以下是其编译时的cython注解: enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


这是一个非常不完整的答案,因为我没有分析或计时任何东西,甚至没有检查它是否给出了相同的答案。但是,这里有一些减少 Cython 生成的 Python 代码量的建议:

  • 添加@cython.cdivision(True) 编译指令。这意味着 ZeroDivisionError 不会在浮点除法时引发,您将得到一个 NaN 值。 (仅当您不想引发错误时才这样做)。

  • p_s = np.sqrt(...) 更改为 p_s = sqrt(...)。这将删除仅对单个值进行操作的 numpy 调用。您似乎在其他地方做过,所以我不知道您为什么错过了这一行。

  • 尽可能使用固定大小的 C 数组而不是 numpy 数组:

    cdef double beta[3]
    # ...
    beta[0] = X[1]/X[5]
    beta[1] = X[3]/X[5]
    beta[2] = p_s/X[5]

    当大小在编译时已知(并且相当小)并且您不想返回它时,您可以这样做。这避免了调用 np.zeros 和一些后续类型检查以将其分配给类型化的 numpy 数组。我认为 beta 是唯一可以执行此操作的地方。

  • np.angle( complex(x/r, y/r) ) 可以替换为 atan2(y/r, x/r) (使用 libc.math 中的 atan2。您也可以用 r

  • 来除法
  • cdef int i 有助于加快 getEMField 中的 for 循环(Cython 通常擅长自动获取类型循环变量但似乎在这里失败了)

  • 我怀疑逐个元素分配 E 比整个数组更快:

            E[0] = k2*x/0.045 + k10*rn**9*cos(9*arg)
            E[1] = -k2*y/0.045 -k10*rn**9*sin(9*arg)
  • 指定 listtuple 这样的类型没有多大值(value),它实际上可能会使代码稍微变慢(因为它会浪费时间检查类型)。

  • 一个更大的变化是将 EB 作为指针传递给 GetEMField 而不是使用分配它们 np .zeros。这将使您可以将它们分配为 equations (cdef double E[3]) 中的静态 C 数组。缺点是 GetEMField 必须是 cdef,因此不再可从 Python 调用(但如果您愿意,您也可以制作一个 Python 可调用包装函数)。

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