python - 如何使用 pytest tmpdir.as_cwd 获取临时路径

标签 python pytest temporary-directory

在 python 测试函数中

def test_something(tmpdir):
    with tmpdir.as_cwd() as p:
        print('here', p)

我原以为 pos.getcwd() 会给出相同的结果。但实际上,p 指向测试文件的目录,而 os.getcwd() 指向预期的临时文件。



查看 py.path.as_cwd 的文档:

return context manager which changes to current dir during the managed "with" context. On __enter__ it returns the old dir.


def test_something(tmpdir):
    print('current directory where you are before changing it:', os.getcwd())
    # the current directory will be changed now
    with tmpdir.as_cwd() as old_dir:
        print('old directory where you were before:', old_dir)
        print('current directory where you are now:', os.getcwd())
    print('you now returned to the old current dir', os.getcwd())

请记住,您示例中的 p 不是您要更改到的"new"当前目录,而是您更改的“旧”目录。

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