python - ValueError 验证循环

标签 python


在上了一门教我们伪代码的类(class)后,我开始学习 Python。如果用户输入的是小数而不是整数,我该如何创建验证循环来继续执行该功能?在当前状态下,当用户输入超出可接受范围的数字时,我已经让它能够识别,但如果用户输入小数,它就会崩溃。是否有另一个可以识别小数的验证循环?

def main():
    again = 'Y'
    while again == 'y' or again == 'Y':
        strength_score = int(input('Please enter a strength score between 1 and 30: '))

        # validation loop
        while strength_score < 1 or strength_score > 30 :
            print ()
            print ('Error, invalid selection!')
            strength_score = int(input('Please enter a whole (non-decmial) number between 1 and 30: '))

        # calculations
        capacity = (strength_score * 15)
        push = (capacity * 2)
        encumbered = (strength_score * 5)
        encumbered_heavily = (strength_score * 10)

        # show results
        print ()
        print ('Your carrying capacity is' , capacity, 'pounds.')
        print ('Your push/drag/lift limit is' , push, 'pounds.')
        print ('You are encumbered when holding' , encumbered, 'pounds.')
        print ('You are heavyily encumbered when holding' , encumbered_heavily, 'pounds.')
        print ()

        # technically, any response other than Y or y would result in an exit. 
        again = input('Would you like to try another number? Y or N: ')
        print ()




  1. 如果您想接受非整数,只需使用float(input())。如果您想接受它们但将它们变成整数,请使用 int(float(input())) 进行截断或使用 round(float(input())) 进行舍入到最接近的整数。

  2. 如果要打印错误消息并提示输入新号码,请使用 try-catch block :

        strength_score = int(input('Please enter a strength score between 1 and 30: '))
    except ValueError:
        again = input("Invalid input, try again? Y / N")
        continue # skip the rest of the loop

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