python - Spacy "is a"挖矿

标签 python nlp spacy

我想使用 Spacy 匹配器从维基百科中挖掘“是一个”(和其他)关系,以构建知识数据库。


nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")
text = u"""Garfield is a large comic strip cat that lives in Ohio. Cape Town is the oldest city in South Africa."""
doc = nlp(text)
sentence_spans = list(doc.sents)
# Write a pattern
pattern = [
    {"POS": "PROPN", "OP": "+"}, 
    {"LEMMA": "be"}, 
    {"POS": "DET"}, 
    {"POS": "ADJ", "OP": "*"}, 
    {"POS": "NOUN", "OP": "+"}

# Add the pattern to the matcher and apply the matcher to the doc
matcher.add("IS_A_PATTERN", None, pattern)
matches = matcher(doc)

# Iterate over the matches and print the span text
for match_id, start, end in matches:
    print("Match found:", doc[start:end].text)


Match found: Garfield is a large comic strip
Match found: Garfield is a large comic strip cat
Match found: Town is the oldest city
Match found: Cape Town is the oldest city


Match found: Garfield is a large comic strip cat
Match found: Cape Town is the oldest city



['Garfield', 'is a', 'large comic strip cat', 'comic strip cat']
['Cape Town', 'is the', 'oldest city', 'city']


这在 Spacy 中是否可行,或者等效的 Python 代码是什么?



   |      |             cat                       
   |      |    __________|________________         
   |      |   |    |     |     |        lives     
   |      |   |    |     |     |     _____|____    
   |      |   |    |     |     |    |          in 
   |      |   |    |     |     |    |          |   
Garfield  .   a  large comic strip that       Ohio

 |   |        city        
 |   |     ____|______     
 |   |    |    |      in  
 |   |    |    |      |    
 |  Town  |    |    Africa
 |   |    |    |      |    
 .  Cape the oldest South 

(我使用了 this question 中的方法来绘制树)。


def get_head(sentence):
    toks = [t for t in sentence]
    for i, t in enumerate(toks):
        if t.lemma_ == 'be' and i + 1 < len(toks) and toks[i+1].pos_ == 'DET':
            yield t

def get_relations(text):
    doc = nlp(text)
    for sent in doc.sents:
        for head in get_head(sent):
            children = list(head.children)
            if len(children) < 2:
            l, r = children[0:2]
            # check that the left child is really a subject and the right one is a description
            if l.dep_ == 'nsubj' and r.dep_ == 'attr':
                yield l, r

for l, r in get_relations(text):
    print(list(l.subtree), list(r.subtree))


[Garfield] [a, large, comic, strip, cat, that, lives, in, Ohio]
[Cape, Town] [the, oldest, city, in, South, Africa]

所以你至少正确地把左边和右边分开了。如果需要,您可以添加更多过滤器(例如 l.pos_ == 'PROPN')。另一个改进是处理带有 2 个以上“is”子项的情况(例如副词)。

现在,您可以根据需要修剪子树,生成更小的谓词(例如“大猫”、“漫画猫”、“脱衣舞猫”、“住在俄亥俄州的猫”等)。这种修剪的快速版本可以每次只看一个 child :

for l, r in get_relations(text):
    print(list(l.subtree), list(r.subtree))
    for c in r.children:
        words = [r] + list(c.subtree)
        print(' '.join([w.text for w in sorted(words, key=lambda x: x.i)]))


[Garfield], [a, large, comic, strip, cat, that, lives, in, Ohio]
a cat
large cat
comic cat
strip cat
cat that lives in Ohio
[Cape, Town], [the, oldest, city, in, South, Africa]
the city
oldest city
city in South Africa


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