python - 从 flask_ldap3_login 的 current_user.get_id() 中提取 uid 的正确方法?

标签 python flask flask-login

我终于让 flask-login + flask-ldap3-login 一起工作了,当我调用 current_user.get_id() 时,我得到一个像 "uid=myuid,ou=people,ou=group,ou=internal,o =组织”

我知道我可以拆分这个字符串并分割出我想要的部分,但由于这些是属性,所以感觉我应该能够获得 current_user.get_id().uid 或类似的东西,以获得唯一和准确的我想要的作品。

除了切掉 'uid=' 和 ',' 之间的部分之外,是否有任何类似的东西,或者任何更安全的方法来分割它?


ldap_app.User.get_id returns a unicode value :

# Declare an Object Model for the user, and make it comply with the
# flask-login UserMixin mixin.
class User(UserMixin):
    def __init__(self, dn, username, data):
        self.dn = dn
        self.username = username = data

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.dn

    def get_id(self):
        return self.dn

基于commentsLDAP3LoginManager.save_user 中, 应该获取用户数据的字典:

def save_user(self, callback):
        This sets the callback for saving a user that has been looked up from
        from ldap.
        The function you set should take a user dn (unicode), username
        (unicode) and userdata (dict), and memberships (list).
            def save_user(dn, username, userdata, memberships):
                return User(username=username, data=userdata)
        Your callback function MUST return the user object in your ORM
        (or similar). as this is used within the LoginForm and placed
        at ``form.user``
            callback (function): The function to be used as the save user

        self._save_user = callback
        return callback


如果该字典没有您需要的内容,您可能会卡在 pulling apart the dn string 上。 :

useful_data = dict(x.split('=') for x in current_user.get_id().split(','))

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