Python HL7 Listener 套接字消息确认

标签 python sockets tcp hl7 mllp

我正在尝试在 python 中创建 HL7 监听器。我能够通过套接字接收消息,但无法发送有效确认

ack=u"\x0b MSH|^~\\&|HL7Listener|HL7Listener|SOMEAPP|SOMEAPP|20198151353||ACK^A08||T|2.3\x1c\x0d MSA|AA|153681279959711 \x1c\x0d"
ack = "MSH|^~\&|HL7Listener|HL7Listener|SOMEAPP|SOMEAPP|20198151353||ACK^A08||T|2.3 \r MSA|AA|678888295637322 \r"
ack= bytes(ack,'utf-8')

Python 代码:

def listner_hl7():
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.bind((socket.gethostname(), 4444))
    except Exception as e:
    while True:
        clientSocket, addr = s.accept()
        message = clientSocket.recv(2048)
        id = (str(message.splitlines()[0]).split('|')[9])

        print('received {} bytes from {}'.format(
            len(message), addr))

        print('sending acknowledgement: ')
        ack = b"\x0b MSH|^~\\&|HL7Listener|HL7Listener|SOMEAPP|SOMEAPP|20198151353||ACK^A08||T|2.3\x1c\x0d MSA|AA|" + bytes(
            id, 'utf-8') + b" \x1c\x0d"



我认为您的完整确认未发送。您正在使用 clientSocket.send(ack)


请引用this来自@kwarunek 的回答以获取更多详细信息。

socket.send is a low-level method and basically just the C/syscall method send(3) / send(2). It can send less bytes than you requested, but returns the number of bytes sent.

socket.sendall is a high-level Python-only method that sends the entire buffer you pass or throws an exception. It does that by calling socket.send until everything has been sent or an error occurs.

If you're using TCP with blocking sockets and don't want to be bothered by internals (this is the case for most simple network applications), use sendall.

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