python - 如何在 Pandas 中另一列的值之间聚合列中的值

标签 python pandas


unit   start_time   stop_time
A        0.0          1.2
B        1.3          4.1
A        4.2          4.5
B        4.6          7.2
A        7.3          8.0

time    other_data
0.2       .0122
0.4       .0128
0.6       .0101
0.8       .0091
1.0       .2122
1.2       .1542
1.4       .1546
1.6       .1522
1.8       .2542
2.0       .1557
2.2       .2542
2.4       .1543
2.6       .0121
2.8       .0111
3.0       .0412
3.2       .0214
3.4       .0155
3.6       .0159
3.8       .0154
4.0       .0155
4.2       .0211
4.4       .0265
4.6       .0146
4.8       .0112
5.0       .0166
5.2       .0101
5.4       .0132
5.6       .0112
5.8       .0121
6.0       .0142
6.2       .0124
6.4       .0111
6.6       .0123
6.8       .0111
6.0       .0119
6.2       .0112
6.4       .0131
6.6       .0117
6.8       .0172
7.0       .0123
7.2       .0127
7.4       .0121
7.6       .0110
7.8       .0120
8.0       .0121



我想对 df_2.other_data 中的所有值进行分组,其中 df_2.time 介于 df_1.start_time 和 df_1.stop_time 之间。例如,对于 df_1 的第一行,来自 df_2 的以下数据将被分组:

time    other_data
0.2       .0122
0.4       .0128
0.6       .0101
0.8       .0091
1.0       .2122
1.2       .1542


在此组中,我想计算 df_2.other_data 高于阈值的观察总数,在本例中,阈值将设置为 .0120。该组中高于此阈值的观察总数为 4。这是我要合并到 df_1 的值。结果应如下所示:

unit   start_time   stop_time   other_data_above_threshold
A        0.0          1.2             4


unit   start_time   stop_time   other_data_above_threshold
A        0.0          1.2              4
B        1.3          4.1              13
A        4.2          4.5              3
B        4.6          7.2              11
A        7.3          8.0              4



df['other_data_at'] = df.apply(lambda x: df2.loc[(df2['time']>= x['start_time']) & (df2['time']<= x['stop_time'])].loc[df2['other_data']>=0.012].count()[0], axis=1)


   unit start_time  stop_time   other_data_at
0   A   0.0              1.2    4
1   B   1.3              4.1    13
2   A   4.2              4.5    2 #you expected output shows 3 but it should be 2
3   B   4.6              7.2    11
4   A   7.3              8.0    3

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