python - 如何在 Scrapy 中使用正则表达式

标签 python scrapy

我想废弃 website 并提取商品的以下价格,但同一商品有多个价格,我如何正确过滤出商品的价格..

以下是解析 page=1 上商品价格的代码:"//div[@class='category-products']/ul/li//div[@class='price-box']//span[@class='price']").extract()


[u'<span class="price" id="old-price-8963">\n                    \u20b9 8,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price" id="product-price-8963">\n                    \u20b9 5,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price" id="old-price-8940">\n                    \u20b9 8,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price" id="product-price-8940">\n                    \u20b9 5,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 2,990</span>']



l = [u'<span class="price" id="old-price-8963">\n                    \u20b9 8,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price" id="product-price-8963">\n                    \u20b9 5,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price" id="old-price-8940">\n                    \u20b9 8,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price" id="product-price-8940">\n                    \u20b9 5,990                </span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 7,990</span>',
 u'<span class="price">\u20b9 2,990</span>']
>>> s =set()
>>> for x in l:
    import re
    if not 'old-price' in x:
        m = re.match('<span[^>]*>([^<]*)</span>', x)
        if m is None:
            print x

>>> s
set([u'\u20b9 5,990', u'\u20b9 2,990', u'\u20b9 7,990'])


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