python - 如何聚类元组列表(标签,概率)的列表? - Python

标签 python numpy machine-learning scikit-learn

我有一堆文本,它们被分类为类别,然后每个文档被标记为 0、1 或 2,每个标记都有一个概率。

[ "this is a foo bar",
  "bar bar black sheep",
  "sheep is an animal"
  "foo foo bar bar"
  "bar bar sheep sheep" ]

管道中的前一个工具返回一个元组列表列表,外部列表中的每个元素都是一个文档。我只能处理这样一个事实,即我知道每个文档都被标记为 0、1 或 2 以及它们的概率:

[ [(0,0.3), (1,0.5), (2,0.1)],
  [(0,0.5), (1,0.3), (2,0.3)],
  [(0,0.4), (1,0.4), (2,0.5)],
  [(0,0.3), (1,0.7), (2,0.2)],
  [(0,0.2), (1,0.6), (2,0.1)] ]


[ [[(0,0.5), (1,0.3), (2,0.3)], [(0,0.4), (1,0.4), (2,0.5)]] ,
  [[(0,0.3), (1,0.7), (2,0.2)], [(0,0.2), (1,0.6), (2,0.1)]] ,
  [[(0,0.4), (1,0.4), (2,0.5)]] ]



[ [(0,0.7), (1,0.2), (2,0.4)],
  [(0,0.5), (1,0.9), (2,0.3)],
  [(0,0.3), (1,0.8), (2,0.4)],
  [(0,0.8), (1,0.2), (2,0.2)],
  [(0,0.1), (1,0.7), (2,0.5)] ]


 [[[(0,0.7), (1,0.2), (2,0.4)],
 [(0,0.8), (1,0.2), (2,0.2)]] ,

 [[(0,0.5), (1,0.9), (2,0.3)],
 [(0,0.1), (1,0.7), (2,0.5)],
 [(0,0.3), (1,0.8), (2,0.4)]] ,



如何用标签和概率对元组列表的列表进行聚类? numpyscipysklearn 或任何支持 python 的 ML 套件中是否有一些东西可以做到这一点?甚至 NLTK



instream = [ [(0,0.3), (1,0.5), (2,0.1)],
                        [(0,0.5), (1,0.3), (2,0.3)],
                        [(0,0.4), (1,0.4), (2,0.5)],
                        [(0,0.3), (1,0.7), (2,0.2)],
                        [(0,0.2), (1,0.6), (2,0.1)] ]

# Find centroid.  
c1_centroid_value = sorted([i[0] for i in instream], reverse=True)[0]
c2_centroid_value = sorted([i[1] for i in instream], reverse=True)[0]
c3_centroid_value = sorted([i[2] for i in instream], reverse=True)[0]

c1_centroid = [i for i,j in enumerate(instream) if j[0] == c1_centroid_value][0]
c2_centroid = [i for i,j in enumerate(instream) if j[1] == c2_centroid_value][0]
c3_centroid = [i for i,j in enumerate(instream) if j[2] == c3_centroid_value][0]

print instream[c1_centroid]
print instream[c2_centroid]
print instream[c2_centroid]


[(0, 0.5), (1, 0.3), (2, 0.3)]
[(0, 0.3), (1, 0.7), (2, 0.2)]
[(0, 0.3), (1, 0.7), (2, 0.2)]



import numpy as np


instream = [ [(0,0.3), (1,0.5), (2,0.1)],
             [(0,0.5), (1,0.3), (2,0.3)],
             [(0,0.4), (1,0.4), (2,0.5)],
             [(0,0.3), (1,0.7), (2,0.2)],
             [(0,0.2), (1,0.6), (2,0.1)] ]
instream = np.array(instream)

# this removes document tags because we only consider probabilities here
values = [map(lambda x: x[1], doc) for doc in instream]

# determine the cluster of each document by using maximum probability
belongs_to = map(lambda x: np.argmax(x), values)
belongs_to = np.array(belongs_to)

# construct clusters of indices to your instream
cluster_indices = [(belongs_to == k).nonzero()[0] for k in range(N_TYPES)]

# apply the indices to obtain full output
out = [instream[cluster_indices[k]].tolist() for k in range(N_TYPES)]   


[[[[0.0, 0.5], [1.0, 0.3], [2.0, 0.3]]],

 [[[0.0, 0.3], [1.0, 0.5], [2.0, 0.1]],
  [[0.0, 0.3], [1.0, 0.7], [2.0, 0.2]],
  [[0.0, 0.2], [1.0, 0.6], [2.0, 0.1]]],

 [[[0.0, 0.4], [1.0, 0.4], [2.0, 0.5]]]]

我使用了 numpy 数组,因为它们支持很好的搜索和索引。例如,表达式 (belongs_to == 1).nonzero()[0] 将索引数组返回到数组 belongs_to,其中值为 1。索引示例是 instream[cluster_indices[2]]

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