python - 解决运行grinder脚本时出现的ImportError : No modules named ,

标签 python jython grinder


ImportError: No module named net.grinder.script. Grinder


# A minimal script that tests The Grinder logging facility.
# This script shows the recommended style for scripts, with a
# TestRunner class. The script is executed just once by each worker
# process and defines the TestRunner class. The Grinder creates an
# instance of TestRunner for each worker thread, and repeatedly calls
# the instance for each run of that thread.

  from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
  from net.grinder.script import Test

# A shorter alias for the method.
  log =

# Create a Test with a test number and a description. The test will be
# automatically registered with The Grinder console if you are using
# it.
  test1 = Test(1, "Log method")

# Instrument the info() method with our Test.

# A TestRunner instance is created for each thread. It can be used to
# store thread-specific data.
 class TestRunner:

# This method is called for every run.
 def __call__(self):
    log("Hello World")


我还设置了 CLASSPATH 和 JAVA_HOME 环境变量。谁能帮我吗。


设置类路径有点棘手,在运行上面 Philp 提供的 java 命令之前,我在 mac(10.6.8) 终端上执行了以下操作:

ClassPath 设置:(在终端上依次执行此操作)

    export JAVA_VERSION=1.6
    export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
    export GRINDERPATH=/Users/cdname/grinder-3.11
    export CLASSPATH=$GRINDERPATH/lib/grinder.jar:$CLASSPATH
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    java -classpath $CLASSPATH net.grinder.Grinder

我将其添加到/etc/launchd.conf 中,然后运行 grep -E "^setenv"/etc/launchd.conf | grep -E "^setenv"/etc/launchd.conf | xargs -t -L 1 launchctl

在grinder.properties文件中设置:grinder.useConsole = false

现在运行 .py 文件:

     java net.grinder.Grinder

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