python - 如何在 python 中从附近主机检索 MAC 地址?

标签 python networking mac-address nmap

我注意到 python-nmap ,我可以这样做:

$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import nmap
>>> n = nmap.PortScanner()
>>> n.scan(hosts='', arguments='-sP')
{'nmap': {'scanstats': {'uphosts': u'6', 'timestr': u'Sat Oct  4 21:10:10 2014', 'downhosts': u'250', 'totalhosts': u'256', 'elapsed': u'2.69'}, 'scaninfo': {}, 'command_line': u'nmap -oX - -sP'}, 'scan': {u'': {'status': {'state': u'up', 'reason': u'conn-refused'}, 'hostname': u'Mikes-MBP', 'addresses': {u'ipv4': u''}}, u'': {'status': {'state': u'up', 'reason': u'conn-refused'}, 'hostname': u'Aidana', 'addresses': {u'ipv4': u''}}, u'': {'status': {'state': u'up', 'reason': u'conn-refused'}, 'hostname': u'vm-trusty-desktop', 'addresses': {u'ipv4': u''}}, u'': {'status': {'state': u'up', 'reason': u'conn-refused'}, 'hostname': u'android-d79f5b3256db8e11', 'addresses': {u'ipv4': u''}}, u'': {'status': {'state': u'up', 'reason': u'syn-ack'}, 'hostname': '', 'addresses': {u'ipv4': u''}}, u'': {'status': {'state': u'up', 'reason': u'syn-ack'}, 'hostname': u'DiskStation', 'addresses': {u'ipv4': u''}}}}
>>> n.all_hosts()
[u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'']

但是 nmap 不会泄露 MAC 地址,除非你以 root 身份运行它。然而,当我关闭 Python session 时,我可以立即运行 arp -an 并获取所有找到的主机及其相应 MAC 地址的转储。


  1. 需要是root用户,或者
  2. 必须手动解析 arp 输出?



来自 python-nmap 的

# Vendor list for MAC address
nm.scan('', arguments='-O')
for h in nm.all_hosts():
    if 'mac' in nm[h]['addresses']:
        print(nm[h]['addresses'], nm[h]['vendor'])

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