python - 在后台接收 UDP 数据包(PYTHON)

标签 python multithreading python-2.7 background udp

我想要一个在后台等待 UDP 数据包的线程,当没有收到数据包时,我希望脚本能够做其他事情。但是当我启动线程时,脚本会等待 UDP 数据包并停止。

import threading
import socket

def rec_UDP():
    while True:
        # UDP commands for listening
        UDP_PORT = 5005
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        sock.bind(('', UDP_PORT))
        data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
        print "received message:", data
        return data

# The thread that ables the listen for UDP packets is loaded
listen_UDP = threading.Thread(target=rec_UDP())

data = 'Nothing received'

while True:
    print 'The packet received is: ' + data


通过在函数后附加 (),代码直接调用函数,因此阻塞主线程而不是在单独的线程中运行函数。


listen_UDP = threading.Thread(target=rec_UDP)

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