python - pandas DataFrame 中的操作

标签 python pandas statistics dataframe

我有一个相当大(~5000行)的DataFrame,有很多变量,比如2个['max', 'min'],按4个参数排序,['Hs', 'Tp', 'wd' ,“种子”]。它看起来像这样:

>>> data.head()
   Hs  Tp   wd  seed  max  min
0   1   9  165    22  225   18
1   1   9  195    16  190   18
2   2   5  165    43  193   12
3   2  10  180    15  141   22
4   1   6  180    17  219   18
>>> len(data)

我只想保留前 2 个参数,并获取为每个“wd”单独计算的所有“种子”的最大标准偏差。


>>> stdev.head()
  Hs Tp       max       min
0  1  5  43.31321  4.597629
1  1  6  43.20004  4.640795
2  1  7  47.31507  4.569408
3  1  8  41.75081  4.651762
4  1  9  41.35818  4.285991
>>> len(stdev)

下面的代码做了我想要的,但由于我对 DataFrames 知之甚少,我想知道这些嵌套循环是否可以以不同的、更 DataFramy 的方式完成 =)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#data = pd.read_table('data.txt')
# don't worry too much about this ugly generator,
# it just emulates the format of my data...
total = 4500
data = pd.DataFrame()
data['Hs'] = np.random.randint(1,4,size=total)
data['Tp'] = np.random.randint(5,15,size=total)
data['wd'] = [[165, 180, 195][np.random.randint(0,3)] for _ in xrange(total)]
data['seed'] = np.random.randint(1,51,size=total)
data['max'] = np.random.randint(100,250,size=total)
data['min'] = np.random.randint(10,25,size=total)

# and here it starts. would the creators of pandas pull their hair out if they see this?
# can this be made better?
stdev = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Hs', 'Tp', 'max', 'min'])
for hs in set(data['Hs']):
    data_Hs = data[data['Hs'] == hs]
    for tp in set(data_Hs['Tp']):
        data_tp = data_Hs[data_Hs['Tp'] == tp]
        stdev.loc[i] = [
               max([np.std(data_tp[data_tp['wd']==wd]['max']) for wd in set(data_tp['wd'])]), 
               max([np.std(data_tp[data_tp['wd']==wd]['min']) for wd in set(data_tp['wd'])])]


PS:如果好奇的话,这是根据海浪变化的变量统计数据。 Hs 是波高,Tp 波周期,wd 波向,种子代表不规则波列的不同实现,min 和 max 是特定暴露时间内的峰值或 my 变量。毕竟,通过标准差和平均值,我可以对数据进行一些分布拟合,就像 Gumbel 一样。



data.groupby(['Hs', 'Tp', 'wd'])[['max', 'min']].std(ddof=0).max(level=[0, 1])

(如果需要,请在末尾添加 reset_index())

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