python - 如何在 Python 脚本中获得导入类的相同作用域?

标签 python python-2.7 scope python-import global-scope


在文件 中:

class foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print globals()


from foo import foo

class bar(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print globals()

classimport = foo()
classinternal = bar()

从 foo 和 bar 返回的全局变量列表不同 - 这是为什么?

这让生活变得困难,因为任何需要访问主 globals() 的类都必须驻留在主文件中。如何确保导入的类具有相同的全局作用域?我在阅读其他帖子后尝试过的一些事情herehere包括:

module = __import__("foo", fromlist="foo")
globals()["foo"] = getattr(module, "foo") = foo


[编辑] ---

因此,根据上面的链接,这个问题在 duplicate article 中得到了回答。 。事实证明,范围并不跨模块共享。它提到了解决此问题的几种方法,但就我而言,我需要实际创建/读取/写入全局变量。因此,我在主脚本中创建了一个例程,并在初始化 foo 和 bar 时将其作为对象传递。例如:

def PrintGlobals():
    print globals()

class bar(object):
    def __init__(self, PrintGlobals):
        self.PrintGlobals = PrintGlobals

classinternal = bar(PrintGlobals)



这是 Python 3 FAQ 的内容不得不说:

In Python, variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a value anywhere within the function’s body, it’s assumed to be a local unless explicitly declared as global.

Though a bit surprising at first, a moment’s consideration explains this. On one hand, requiring global for assigned variables provides a bar against unintended side-effects. On the other hand, if global was required for all global references, you’d be using global all the time. You’d have to declare as global every reference to a built-in function or to a component of an imported module. This clutter would defeat the usefulness of the global declaration for identifying side-effects.

要查看不同范围内的全局变量,请尝试在执行期间的不同点执行 print(globals()) 。例如:在运行任何代码之前的顶级模块,然后在 中,如果其中有任何代码(因为导入 foo),在 foo 的模块级别,在每个函数内,以及修改传递给函数的任何变量之前/之后。

This answer进一步解释:

I think the key thing you're missing here is that each module has its own "global" namespace. This can be a bit confusing at first, because in languages like C, there's a single global namespace shared by all external variables and functions. But once you get past that assumption, the Python way makes perfect sense.

但请注意,当您导入包或包中的模块时,包 文件中分配的所有名称都可以在包命名空间中使用。

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