python - 制作将自己定位在列表中的按钮

标签 python arrays python-3.x tkinter


from tkinter import *
import random

class App(Tk):
    def __init__(self):

        self.totalButtons = random.randint(5, 25)

        # The buttons will be stored in a list
        self.buttons = []
        self.labels = []


    def createButtons(self):
        for i in range(0, self.totalButtons):
            # Here I create a button and append it to the buttons list
            self.buttons.append(Button(self, text = i, command = self.removeButton))

            # Now I grid the last object created (the one we just created)
            self.buttons[-1].grid(row = i + 1, column = 1)

            # Same thing for the label
            self.labels.append(Label(self, text = i))
            self.labels[-1].grid(row = i + 1, column = 0)

    def removeButton(self):
        # When a button is clicked, buttonIndex should be able to find the index position of that button in self.buttons
        # For now I set it to 0, which will always remove the first (top) button
        indexPosition = 0

        # Takes the button (in this case, the first one) off the grid

        # Removes that button from self.buttons
        del self.buttons[indexPosition]

        # Same for the label
        del self.labels[indexPosition]

def main():
    a = App()

if __name__ == "__main__":



command = lambda idx=i: self.removeButton(idx)

这里的 lambda 是从范围中获取值 i 并将其分配给 idx 并传递到函数中。现在,此函数调用对于每个按钮都是唯一的,因此它们具有与其索引相对应的值。

for i, btn in enumerate(self.buttons):
    btn['command'] = lambda idx=i: self.removeButton(idx)


    def createButtons(self):
        for i in range(0, self.totalButtons):
            # Here I create a button and append it to the buttons list
            self.buttons.append(Button(self, text = i, command = lambda idx=i: self.removeButton(idx)))

            # Now I grid the last object created (the one we just created)
            self.buttons[-1].grid(row = i + 1, column = 1)

            # Same thing for the label
            self.labels.append(Label(self, text = i))
            self.labels[-1].grid(row = i + 1, column = 0)

    def removeButton(self, i):
        # Takes the button at index i off the grid

        # Removes that button from self.buttons
        del self.buttons[i]

        # Same for the label
        del self.labels[i]

        # Assign new values for index position
        for new_i, btn in enumerate(self.buttons):
            btn['command'] = lambda idx=new_i: self.removeButton(idx)

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