python - Scrapy回调函数

标签 python scrapy yield-return

我有一个基本的 scrapy 脚本,它执行以下操作:

  1. 访问网站
  2. 使用规则获取所有页面:

     rules = (
             Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(), restrict_xpaths=('//*[@id="pagination_top"]/a',)), callback="parse_page", follow= True),
  3. 在每个页面中,获取产品页面的所有链接:

    def parse_page(self, response):
        for href in response.css("#prod_category > ul > li > a::attr('href')"):
            url = response.urljoin(href.extract())
            yield scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse_dir_contents)
  4. 并访问每个产品页面以获取有关产品的详细信息。然后我从不同的链接获取更多详细信息

    def parse_dir_contents(self, response):
         # select xpath here
         print '________________________BEGIN PRODUCT________________________'
         item = detailedItem()
         item['title'] = sites.xpath('//*[@id="product-name"]/text()').extract()
         # get url_2 from this page
         request = scrapy.Request(url_2, callback=self.parse_detailed_contents)
         request.meta['item'] = item
         yield request
  5. 最后是获取产品详细信息的函数

    I think this last parse_detailed_contents is where I have an issue

    def parse_detailed_contents(self, response):
        item = response.meta['item']
        sel = Selector(response)
        sites = sel.xpath('//*[@id="prod-details"]')
        print '________________________GETTING DETAILS________________________'
        item['prod_details'] = sites.xpath('//*[@id="prod-details"]/div/text()').extract()
        return item

问题是我的脚本为第一个链接返回 item['prod_details'] 但不为后续链接返回任何项目。

Is that because url_2 being passed in the same for all product?




def parse_dir_contents(self, response):
 # select xpath here
 print '________________________BEGIN PRODUCT________________________'
 item = detailedItem()
 item['title'] = sites.xpath('//*[@id="product-name"]/text()').extract()

 # get url_2 from this page

 request = scrapy.Request(url_2, callback=self.parse_detailed_contents,dont_filter=True)
 request.meta['item'] = item
 yield request

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