python - 在 Python 中解析具有重复 anchor 的 YAML

标签 python yaml

我刚刚开始使用 YAML 和 Python,我正在尝试用 Python 解析包含 anchor 和别名的 YAML。
在此 YAML 中,我覆盖 anchor 以使某些节点具有不同的值。

我的 YAML 示例:

Some Colors: &some_colors
 color_primary: &color_primary "#112233FF"
 color_secondary: &color_secondary "#445566FF"

Element: &element
 color: *color_primary

Overwrite some colors: &overwrite_colors
 color_primary: &color_primary "#000000FF"

Another element: &another_element
 color: *color_primary

预期结果为(JSON 格式):

    "Some Colors": {
        "color_primary": "#112233FF",
        "color_secondary": "#445566FF"
    "Element": {
        "color": "#112233FF"
    "Overwrite some colors": {
        "color_primary": "#000000FF"
    "Another element": {
        "color": "#000000FF"

I tested the above YAML snippet here

根据我在 YAML 文档中阅读的内容;这应该从 1.1 版开始就可以实现(我认为),但至少 YAML 1.2 版应该支持它。

但每当我尝试使用 PyYAML(使用 yaml.load() )或 ruamel,yaml 解析 YAML 时包(带有 ruamel.yaml.load() ),我收到“重复 anchor ”错误。




截至ruamel v0.12.3 以上工作正常,但您会收到 ReusedAnchorWarning s.

import warnings
from ruamel.yaml.error import ReusedAnchorWarning

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ReusedAnchorWarning)


作为附加问题;当我将上述 YAML 修改为 (注意 // <-- Added this 处的更改):

Some Colors: &some_colors
 color_primary: &color_primary "#112233FF"
 color_secondary: &color_secondary "#445566FF"

Element: &element
 color: *color_primary

Overwrite some colors: &overwrite_colors
 <<: *some_colors   // <-- Added this to include 'color_secondary' as well
 color_primary: &color_primary "#000000FF"

Another element: &another_element
 color: *color_primary


    "Some Colors": {
        "color_primary": "#000000FF",
        "color_secondary": "#445566FF"
    "Element": {
        "color": "#112233FF"
    "Overwrite some colors": {
        "color_primary": "#000000FF",
        "color_secondary": "#445566FF"
    "Another element": {
        "color": "#445566FF" // <-- Now the value is 'color_secondary' instead of 'color_primary'?

为什么是colorAnother element查看 color_secondary 的值反而?



首先,你没有做错任何事。 PyYAML 在这里做错了。这很可能是因为使用相同名称转储 anchor 对于 PyYAML 转储程序来说是一种错误情况。如果您有一个自引用的 Python 结构:

 a = dict(x=1)
 a['y'] = a

然后 PyYAML(和 ruamel.yaml)将为您创建一个唯一的 anchor 名称。如果此名称不是唯一的,则取决于该名称用作别名的位置。因此,怀疑任何重用的 anchor 名称是有意义的,因为这可能指向 YAML 序列化代码中的错误,但这并不违反规范(根据 YAML 1.0 规范(第 节),重用已经可以了) ).

A bug report对于 python-yaml Debian 模块,自 2009 年以来就存在,但我还没有发现它是否在上游结束。

正如您所说,这已在 ruamel.yaml 0.12.3 中解决

要回答你的第二个问题,那只是因为“Best Online YAML Converter”不是,并且解析错误。如果合并行上有 YAML 注释,它甚至会抛出错误:

 <<: *some_colors   # <-- Added this to include 'color_secondary' as well

这在 ruamel.yaml (0.12.3) 中按预期解析:

import sys
import ruamel.yaml
import warnings
from ruamel.yaml.error import ReusedAnchorWarning
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ReusedAnchorWarning)

yaml_str = """\
Some Colors: &some_colors
 color_primary: &color_primary "#112233FF"
 color_secondary: &color_secondary "#445566FF"

Element: &element
 color: *color_primary

Overwrite some colors: &overwrite_colors
 <<: *some_colors   # <-- Added this to include 'color_secondary' as well
 color_primary: &color_primary "#000000FF"

Another element: &another_element
 color: *color_primary

data = ruamel.yaml.safe_load(yaml_str)
ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data, sys.stdout)


Some Colors:
  color_primary: '#112233FF'
  color_secondary: '#445566FF'
Overwrite some colors:
  color_primary: '#000000FF'
  color_secondary: '#445566FF'
Another element:
  color: '#000000FF'    # <- not #445566FF
  color: '#112233FF'


如果你想使用新的 API 和安全加载器,请确保指定 pure=True,否则 ruamel.yaml 的 libyaml 副本(仍然有这个错误)将被使用,你会得到 ComposerError:

yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe')
data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)

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