python - 我一直在学习 python 3.5,并试图获取一个字符串来重新打印用户输入变量?

标签 python string user-input

print ("how old are you??"),
age = input()
print("How tall are you"),
height = input()
print("How much do you weigh"),
weight = input()

print("So, you're '%r' old, '%r' tall and weigh '%r' ") % ('age, height weight')

类型错误:% 不支持的操作数类型:“NoneType”和“str



print("So, you're '%r' old, '%r' tall and weigh '%r' ") % ('age, height weight')

print("So, you're '%r' old, '%r' tall and weigh '%r' " % (age, height weight))

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