python - 迭代列表并将该值用作字典键

标签 python django list dictionary django-templates


allCurrencies = {
    'AUD': ['Australian Dollar', 'au'],
    'GBP': ['British Pound', 'gb'],
    'CAD': ['Canadian Dollar', 'ca'],
    'INR': ['Indian Rupee', 'in'],
    'JPY': ['Japanese Yen', 'jp'],
    'RUB': ['Russian Ruble', 'ru'],
    'SGD': ['Singapore Dollar', 'sg'],
    'CHF': ['Swiss Franc', 'ch'],
    'USD': ['US Dollar', 'us']


commonCurrencies = ['USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY']

我的主要目标是迭代 commonCurrency 并将其用作字典 allCurrency 的键。

我的 django 模板当前如下所示:

    {% for sym in commonCurrencies %}
    {% endfor %}



据我所知,没有内置的过滤器、标签可以让您动态地从字典中获取项目。您最好过滤 View 中的值,并将其传递给模板。 Otherwise, you need to make custom template tag to get value dictionary value dynamically.

>>> allCurrencies = {
...     'AUD': ['Australian Dollar', 'au'],
...     'GBP': ['British Pound', 'gb'],
...     'CAD': ['Canadian Dollar', 'ca'],
...     'INR': ['Indian Rupee', 'in'],
...     'JPY': ['Japanese Yen', 'jp'],
...     'RUB': ['Russian Ruble', 'ru'],
...     'SGD': ['Singapore Dollar', 'sg'],
...     'CHF': ['Swiss Franc', 'ch'],
...     'USD': ['US Dollar', 'us']
... }
>>> commonCurrencies = ['USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY']
>>> currencies = {cur: allCurrencies[cur] for cur in commonCurrencies
                  if cur in allCurrencies}
>>> currencies
{'JPY': ['Japanese Yen', 'jp'],
 'USD': ['US Dollar', 'us'],
 'GBP': ['British Pound', 'gb']}

顺便说一句,allCurrency 字典中没有 EUR 条目。

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