python - 如何将 group by Keys 应用到相关组

标签 python pandas numpy dataframe

我有一个数据框,我使用 group by 对它们进行分组,如下所示

Name      Nationality    age
Peter     UK             28
John      US             29 
Wiley     UK             28 
Aster     US             29 

grouped = self_ex_df.groupby([Nationality, age])
  1. 现在我想为每个值附加一个唯一的 ID


uniqueID = 'ID_'+ grouped.groups.keys().astype(str)

    uniqueID    Name      Nationality    age
     ID_UK28    Peter       UK             28
     ID_US29    John        US             29 
     ID_UK28    Wiley       UK             28 
     ID_US29    Aster       US             29 
  • 我现在想将其合并到一个新的 DF 中,如下所示

     uniqueID   Nationality    age   Text
      ID_UK28     UK           28    Peter and Whiley have a combined age of 56
      ID_US_29    US           29    John and Aster have a combined age of 58
  • 如何实现上述目标?



    import pandas as pd
    #create dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Peter', 'John', 'Wiley', 'Aster'], 'Nationality': ['UK', 'US', 'UK', 'US'], 'age': [28, 29, 28, 29]})
    #make uniqueID
    df['uniqueID'] = 'ID_' + df['Nationality'] + df['age'].astype(str)
    #groupby has agg method that can take dict and preform multiple aggregations
    df = df.groupby(['uniqueID', 'Nationality']).agg({'age': 'sum', 'Name': lambda x: ' and '.join(x)})
    #to get text you just combine new Name and sum of age
    df['Text'] = df['Name'] + ' have a combined age of ' + df['age'].astype(str)

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