python - 如何正确使用 PyQuery 遍历?

标签 python python-2.7 pyquery


    <input class="name" value="Michael">    
    <input class="age" value="22">    
    <input class="location" value="hebei">


    <input class="name" value="Jack">
    <input class="age" value="23">
    <input class="location" value="NewYo">





# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
doc = pq(filename='name.txt')

input = doc('input')

for result in input.items():
    name_result = result.filter('.name')
    age_result = result.filter('.age')
    name = name_result.attr('value')
    age = age_result.attr('value')
    print "%s:%s" %(name,age)
    c = "%s:%s" %(name,age)
    f = file('name_file.txt','w')

但是现在,我遇到了 2 个问题




第一个问题源于这样一个事实:您正在循环遍历所有 <input ... >元素(由 doc('input') 收集),因此您只能获取姓名或年龄,但不能获取两者。你能做的就是循环遍历个人 <td> ... </td> block 并提取匹配的子项 - 有点浪费,但与您的想法保持一致:

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq

doc = pq(filename='name.txt')  # open our document from `name.txt` file

for result in doc('td').items():  # loop through all <td> ... </td> items
    name_result = result.find('.name')  # grab a tag with class="name"
    age_result = result.find('.age')  # grab a tag with class="age"
    name = name_result.attr('value')  # get the name's `value` attribute value
    age = age_result.attr('value')  # get the age's `value` attribute value
    print("{}:{}".format(name, age))  # print it to the STDOUT as name:age

至于第二部分 - 您正在打开 name_file.txt在写入模式下打开文件,写入一行,然后在每个循环中关闭它 - 当您在写入模式下打开文件时,它将截断其中的所有内容,以便您继续为每个循环写入第一行。尝试这样做:

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq

doc = pq(filename='name.txt')  # open our document from `name.txt` file

with open("name_file.txt", "w") as f:  # open name_file.txt for writing
    for result in doc('td').items():  # loop through all <td> ... </td> items
        name_result = result.find('.name')  # grab a tag with class="name"
        age_result = result.find('.age')  # grab a tag with class="age"
        name = name_result.attr('value')  # get the name's `value` attribute value
        age = age_result.attr('value')  # get the age's `value` attribute value
        print("{}:{}".format(name, age))  # print values to the STDOUT as name:age
        f.write("{}:{}\n".format(name, age))  # write to the file as name:age + a new line 

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