python - 如何使用geth在钱包之间转移代币

标签 python ethereum web3py

过去几天我一直在努力尝试在 2 个以太坊钱包之间转移自定义代币。

我正在使用 populus (python),进行 ETH 转账似乎很容易,但我不明白如何使用自定义代币进行同样的操作。


from decimal import Decimal
import populus
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from eth_utils import from_wei
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx

# Which network we deployed our contract
chain_name = "horton"

# Owner account on geth
owner_address = "0xaeCb8415d5553F080d351e82b2000f123BFBc23C"

# Where did we deploy our token
contract_address = "0x15f173b7aca7cd4a01d5f8360e65fb4491d270c1"

receiver = "0x4c042bf285689891117AED16005004a6de2cC4FB"

amount = Decimal("1.0")

project = populus.Project()

with project.get_chain(chain_name) as chain:

    web3 = chain.web3
    print("Web3 provider is", web3.currentProvider)
    print("Owner address is", owner_address)
    print("Owner balance is", from_wei(web3.eth.getBalance(owner_address), "ether"), "ETH")

    # Goes through geth account unlock process if needed
    if is_account_locked(web3, owner_address):
        request_account_unlock(chain, owner_address, None)

    transaction = {"from": owner_address}
    FractionalERC20 = chain.contract_factories.FractionalERC20

    token = FractionalERC20(address=contract_address)
    decimals =
    decimal_multiplier = 10 ** decimals

    decimals = 18
    decimal_multiplier = 10 ** decimals
    print("Token has", decimals, "decimals")
    print("Owner token balance is", / decimal_multiplier)

    # Use lowest denominator amount
    normalized_amount = int(amount * decimal_multiplier)

    # Transfer the tokens
    txid = token.transact({"from": owner_address}).transfer(receiver, normalized_amount)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)


File "", line 39, in <module>
    FractionalERC20 = chain.contract_factories.FractionalERC20
AttributeError: 'LocalGethChain' object has no attribute 'contract_factories'



显然您已从 ICO project 复制了此代码。为了让用户更容易回答,有必要告诉你源代码是从哪里获得的。 This project has its own chat group here .

出现异常的原因是,在 Populous 的某些版本中,API 已更改,而您使用的示例适用于旧版本的 API。请将 ICO 存储库和 Populous 升级到最新的兼容版本配置,您可以在 in ICO repo Travis output 找到.


FractionalERC20 = chain.contract_factories.FractionalERC20


from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

FractionalERC20 = = get_contract_by_name(chain, "FractionalERC20")

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