python - 计算特定操作后耗时

标签 python function loops time

我想计算自从两组变得相等以来的时间。我使用 time.time() 来计算时间。但每当我计算集合相等的时间时,它都会返回时间 1520763846.19。我想计算两组变得相等并且必须执行一些下游操作的时间。任何帮助将不胜感激?

dis_cars,forbid_cars 是两组

def cars_on_road(dis_cars,forbid_cars):
    if len(forbid_cars) > 0 and dis_cars == forbid_cars:
        time_calculate = time.time()
        print "time_calculate" + str(time_calculate)


def __init__(self):
    self.last = time.time() #Initialization instant

def cars_on_road(self, dis_cars,forbid_cars):
    if len(forbid_cars) > 0 and dis_cars == forbid_cars:
        time_calculate = time.time() - self.last #Difference between self.last and the instant the sets became equal
        print "time_calculate" + str(time_calculate)
        self.last = time.time() #Do this if this method will be called again

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