python - 如何调试 "guessing number"游戏中的错误结果?

标签 python python-3.x loops if-statement while-loop


import random
y = random.randint(1,6)

start_game = input("Pick a number between 1 and 6")

while start_game != y:
  if start_game  > y:
    print("guess too high")
    start_game = input("Pick a number between 1 and 6")
  elif start_game < y:
    print("guess too Low")
    start_game = input("Pick a number between 1 and 6")
    print("correct guess")`


在检查 if, elif, else 之前先退出 while 循环健康)状况。 您检查的第一件事是 while 循环的条件,如果 y = start_game 则退出它。您将无法达到 else 条件。

将 while 循环后的打印内容移出循环。

您还需要将输入的返回值转换为 int。


    import random
    y = random.randint(1,6)

    start_game = int(input("Pick a number between 1 and 6"))

    while start_game != y:
      if start_game  > y:
        print("guess too high")
        start_game = int(input("Pick a number between 1 and 6"))
      elif start_game < y:
        print("guess too Low")
        start_game = int(input("Pick a number between 1 and 6"))
    print("correct guess")

事情是,它会进入循环,首先检查循环的条件,然后它会检查 if 语句,但是,一旦条件之一为 true,if、elif、else 检查就会停止,这意味着 for例如,即使 y < start_game ,您将要求另一个输入,但由于您输入了 if,因此不会检查 elif 和 else 条件,从而导致循环结束,然后它会返回检查循环的条件等。

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