python - 为什么 @api.doc 装饰器 python flask restplus 不更新我所做的更改?

标签 python swagger swagger-ui flask-restplus

我使用 Flask-Restplus 开发我的 API。我想问一下,为什么 @api.doc 装饰器不更新我在 Swagger UI 中的更改?


class User(Resource):
    @api.response(201, 'User successfully created.')
    @api.doc('create a new user')
    @api.expect(_user, validate=True)
    @api.marshal_list_with(_user, envelope='data')
    def post(self):
        """Creates a new User """
        data = request.json
        return create_user(data=data)

class UserList(Resource):
    @api.doc('list_of_registered') //even I change here,in Swagger is still not update
    @api.marshal_list_with(_user, envelope='data')
    def get(self):
        """List all registered users"""
        return get_all_users()

class Product(Resource):
    @api.response(201, 'Product successfully created.')
    @api.doc('12345678') //here I state to this
    @api.expect(_product, validate=True)
    def post(self):
        """Creates a new User """
        data = request.json
        return create_product(data=data)


enter image description here

正如您在这里看到的,文档没有根据我在 @api.doc 装饰器中定义的字符串进行更新。





class Product(Resource):
    @api.response(201, 'Product successfully created.')
    @api.doc('12345678') //here I state to this
    @api.expect(_product, validate=True)
    def post(self):
        """Creates a new User """
        data = request.json
        return create_product(data=data)


class Product(Resource):
    @api.response(201, 'Product successfully created.')
    @api.doc('12345678') //here I state to this
    @api.expect(_product, validate=True)
    def post(self):
        """Creates a new Product """
        data = request.json
        return create_product(data=data)

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