python - Django Rest Framework : CreateAPIView, 存储数据时我想使用主键

标签 python django django-rest-framework

我对 django 和 python 还很陌生,需要一些帮助。目前,可以对我的应用程序进行 API 调用,该应用程序存储数据。但我需要在存储之后做一些业务逻辑。我该如何做到这一点。


class ProcList(generics.CreateAPIView): 
    queryset = Proc.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ProcSerializer
    permission_classes = (IsAdminOrReadOnly,)
    lookup_url_kwarg = 'proc_id' # primary key


class BlobSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # Child (Old Avatar)
    key = serializers.CharField()
    value = serializers.CharField()  
    class Meta:
        model = Blob
        fields = ('pk', 'key', 'value')

class ProcSerializer(WritableNestedModelSerializer): # Father (Old profile)
    blobs = BlobSerializer(many=True)    
    class Meta:
        model = Proc
        fields = (
            .... Hidden/removed for length purpuse

我的模型(只有 Proc-one,因为 Blob 模型并不重要)

class Proc(models.Model): # Father (Old profile)
        ("em", 'Email'),
        ("sm", 'SMS'),
        .... Hidden/removed for length purpuse
    proc_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, help_text="Primary key")
    service = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=MY_SERVICES, blank=True, default='mc', help_text='What service is desired, MyChoice is default')
    .... Hidden/removed for length purpuse
    country_code = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, name='created_at')

我期望的结果是 API 调用后像现在一样存储到 Proc 和 Blob 模型。考虑到“服务”变量是什么,我想将主键传递给另一种模式。前任。 SMS.proc(proc_id)


class ProcList(generics.CreateAPIView): 
    queryset = Proc.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ProcSerializer
    permission_classes = (IsAdminOrReadOnly,)
    lookup_url_kwarg = 'proc_id' # primary key

    queryset.get.service # somehow fetch the service-variable from the record created in Proc-model.
    queryset.get.proc_id # somehow fetch the primary key from the record created in Proc-model.

   if service == 'sms': # Not really important what this looks like. Only how i can get the proc_id and do whatever I want
   elif service == 'email':




class ProcList(generics.CreateAPIView): # Endast Create för att skapa en proc
    queryset = Proc.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ProcSerializer
    permission_classes = (IsAdminOrReadOnly,)
    lookup_url_kwarg = 'proc_id'

    def perform_create(self, serializer):
        q =
        TmpLogg(entry=q.service).save() # the other variable i need

我现在可以按照自己喜欢的方式使用 service 或 proc_id。

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