python - 动画散点图和等高线图

标签 python pandas matplotlib animation plot

我正在尝试生成 animated scatter plot在功能内animated contour plot 。我可以让两者单独工作,但不能一起工作。

下面的代码生成 contour来自坐标ABdf 。我试图包含一个单独的动画 scatter样本内plot使用C坐标。此尝试目前已被注释掉。

所以我基本上想包括另一个 animated scatter使用C_XC_Y 。我尝试将它们应用于 line_c

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as sts
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms

''' Section 1 '''

DATA_LIMITS = [-85, 85]

def datalimits(*data):
    return DATA_LIMITS  # dmin - spad, dmax + spad

def mvpdf(x, y, xlim, ylim, radius=1, velocity=0, scale=0, theta=0):
    X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(*xlim), np.linspace(*ylim))
    XY = np.stack([X, Y], 2)
    PDF = sts.multivariate_normal([x, y]).pdf(XY)
    return X, Y, PDF

def mvpdfs(xs, ys, xlim, ylim, radius=None, velocity=None, scale=None, theta=None):
    PDFs = []
    for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(xs,ys)):
        X, Y, PDF = mvpdf(x, y, xlim, ylim)

    return X, Y, np.sum(PDFs, axis=0)

''' Animate Plot '''

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,6))

#Animated coordinates for group A,B
line_a, = ax.plot([], [], '.', c='red', alpha = 0.5, markersize=5, animated=True)
line_b, = ax.plot([], [], '.', c='blue', alpha = 0.5, markersize=5, animated=True)

#Attempt to incorporate scatter for C 
line_c, = ax.plot([], [], '.', c='white', alpha = 0.5, markersize=2.5, animated=True)

cfs = None

def plotmvs(tdf, xlim=None, ylim=None, fig=fig, ax=ax):
    global cfs  
    if cfs:
        for tp in cfs.collections:
            # Remove the existing contours

    # Get the data frame for time t
    df = tdf[1]

    if xlim is None: xlim = datalimits(df['X'])
    if ylim is None: ylim = datalimits(df['Y'])

    PDFs = []

    for (group, gdf), group_line in zip(df.groupby('group'), (line_a, line_b)):
        X, Y, PDF = mvpdfs(gdf['X'].values, gdf['Y'].values, xlim, ylim)

    normPDF = PDF - PDF.min()
    normPDF = normPDF / normPDF.max()
    cfs = ax.contourf(X, Y, normPDF, cmap='viridis', alpha = 1, levels=np.linspace(-1,1,10))

#Create offset scatter for Group C
#    for (group, g2df), group_line in zip(df.groupby('group'), (line_c)):    
#        group_line.set_data(*g2df[['XX','YY']].values.T)

#        offset = lambda p: transforms.ScaledTranslation(p/82.,0, plt.gcf().dpi_scale_trans)
#        trans = plt.gca().transData
#        ax.scatter(line_c,transform=trans+offset(+2))

    return cfs.collections + [line_a, line_b]#, line_c] 

n = 10
time = range(n)  

d = ({
     'A1_X' :    [13.3,13.16,12.99,12.9,12.79,12.56,12.32,12.15,11.93,11.72],
     'A1_Y' :    [26.12,26.44,26.81,27.18,27.48,27.82,28.13,28.37,28.63,28.93],
     'A2_X' :    [6.97,6.96,7.03,6.98,6.86,6.76,6.55,6.26,6.09,5.9],
     'A2_Y' :    [10.92,10.83,10.71,10.52,10.22,10.02,9.86,9.7,9.54,9.37],
     'B1_X' :    [38.35,38.1,37.78,37.55,37.36,37.02,36.78,36.46,36.21,35.79],
     'B1_Y' :    [12.55,12.58,12.58,12.55,12.5,12.47,12.43,12.48,12.44,12.44],
     'B2_X' :    [14.6,14.38,14.16,13.8,13.45,13.11,12.71,12.3,12.06,11.61],
     'B2_Y' :    [4.66,4.44,4.24,4.1,4.01,3.84,3.67,3.56,3.44,3.47],
#    'C_X' :    [10,15,18,20,30,33,35,42,34,20],
#    'C_Y' :    [10,16,20,10,20,13,15,12,14,10],                 

tuples = [((t, k.split('_')[0][0], int(k.split('_')[0][1:]), k.split('_')[1]), v[i]) 
      for k,v in d.items() for i,t in enumerate(time)]

df = pd.Series(dict(tuples)).unstack(-1)
df.index.names = ['time', 'group', 'id']

interval_ms = 200
delay_ms = 1000
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, plotmvs, frames=df.groupby('time'),
            blit=True, interval=interval_ms, repeat_delay=delay_ms)



  • 最重要的是,我关闭了 blit=True(主要是因为我使用的是 Mac,这并不完全支持,因此您的情况可能会有所不同)和 animated=True line_aline_b 的定义中。
  • 您在代码注释中创建的组“C”缺少一个整数,无法让 tuples=[…] 代码正常工作(它期望找到一个 int(k. split('_')[0][1:])
  • 散点图应该是 .scatter(),因为您没有在 FuncAnimation 中使用 init_func=init 调用,我们可以简单地在动画函数本身内“即时”创建它。
  • 我添加了第二个 for 循环,其中包含 if group=='C' 情况 - 尽管您可以更优雅地解决这个问题 - 创建散点图 分散请注意,我包含了转换,尽管我不确定这最终会为您实现什么
  • 我将 ax.contourf() 中的级别设置为区间 [0,1],但这在我看来完全是迂腐的;-)
  • 我在所有绘图项中添加了 zorder= ,以便控制在哪个 z 平面上绘制它们(可选,但很有帮助),并稍微调整了绘制线的外观(可选) ,仅用于强调)
  • 最后,您需要确保返回一个可迭代列表,因此可能“看起来很奇怪”返回 cfs.collections + [scat] + [line_a,line_b ]


Complete animation


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as sts
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

''' Section 1 '''

DATA_LIMITS = [-85, 85]

def datalimits(*data):
    return DATA_LIMITS  # dmin - spad, dmax + spad

def mvpdf(x, y, xlim, ylim, radius=1, velocity=0, scale=0, theta=0):
    X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(*xlim), np.linspace(*ylim))
    XY = np.stack([X, Y], 2)
    PDF = sts.multivariate_normal([x, y]).pdf(XY)
    return X, Y, PDF

def mvpdfs(xs, ys, xlim, ylim, radius=None, velocity=None, scale=None, theta=None):
    PDFs = []
    for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(xs,ys)):
        X, Y, PDF = mvpdf(x, y, xlim, ylim)

    return X, Y, np.sum(PDFs, axis=0)

''' Animate Plot '''

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,6))

#Animated coordinates for group A,B
line_a, = ax.plot([], [], '-o', c='red', alpha = 0.5, markersize=5,zorder=3)
line_b, = ax.plot([], [], '-o', c='blue', alpha = 0.5, markersize=5,zorder=3)

cfs = None

def plotmvs(tdf, xlim=None, ylim=None, fig=fig, ax=ax):    
    global cfs  
    if cfs:
        for tp in cfs.collections:
            # Remove the existing contours

    # Get the data frame for time t
    df = tdf[1]

    if xlim is None: xlim = datalimits(df['X'])
    if ylim is None: ylim = datalimits(df['Y'])

    PDFs = []

    for (group, gdf), group_line in zip(df.groupby('group'), (line_a, line_b)):
        X, Y, PDF = mvpdfs(gdf['X'].values, gdf['Y'].values, xlim, ylim)

    for (group, gdf) in df.groupby('group'):
        if group=='C':
            offset = lambda p: transforms.ScaledTranslation(p/82.,0, plt.gcf().dpi_scale_trans)
            trans = plt.gca().transData
            scat=ax.scatter(gdf['X'].values, gdf['Y'].values, 
                    marker='o', c='white', alpha = 0.5,zorder=3,
                    transform=trans+offset(+2) )#markersize=2,zorder=3)

    normPDF = PDF - PDF.min()
    normPDF = normPDF / normPDF.max()

    cfs = ax.contourf(X, Y, normPDF, cmap='viridis', alpha = 1, levels=np.linspace(0,1,10),zorder=1)

    return  cfs.collections + [scat] + [line_a,line_b] # make sure that these are iterable!

n = 10
time = range(n)  

d = ({
    'A1_X' :    [13.3,13.16,12.99,12.9,12.79,12.56,12.32,12.15,11.93,11.72],
    'A1_Y' :    [26.12,26.44,26.81,27.18,27.48,27.82,28.13,28.37,28.63,28.93],
    'A2_X' :    [6.97,6.96,7.03,6.98,6.86,6.76,6.55,6.26,6.09,5.9],
    'A2_Y' :    [10.92,10.83,10.71,10.52,10.22,10.02,9.86,9.7,9.54,9.37],
    'B1_X' :    [38.35,38.1,37.78,37.55,37.36,37.02,36.78,36.46,36.21,35.79],
    'B1_Y' :    [12.55,12.58,12.58,12.55,12.5,12.47,12.43,12.48,12.44,12.44],
    'B2_X' :    [14.6,14.38,14.16,13.8,13.45,13.11,12.71,12.3,12.06,11.61],
    'B2_Y' :    [4.66,4.44,4.24,4.1,4.01,3.84,3.67,3.56,3.44,3.47],
    'C1_X' :    [10.,15.,18.,20.,30.,33.,35.,42.,34.,20.],## name contains an int so that tuples=... list works!
    'C1_Y' :    [10.,16.,20.,10.,20.,13.,15.,12.,14.,10.],

tuples = [((t, k.split('_')[0][0], int(k.split('_')[0][1:]), k.split('_')[1]), v[i])
    for k,v in d.items() for i,t in enumerate(time) ]

df = pd.Series(dict(tuples)).unstack(-1)
df.index.names = ['time', 'group', 'id']

interval_ms = 200
delay_ms = 1000
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, plotmvs,  frames=df.groupby('time'), interval=interval_ms, repeat_delay=delay_ms,)



line_a, = ax.plot([], [], '-o', c='red', alpha = 0.5, markersize=5,zorder=3)
line_b, = ax.plot([], [], '-o', c='blue', alpha = 0.5, markersize=5,zorder=3)
lines=[line_a,line_b] ## this is iterable!

offset = lambda p: transforms.ScaledTranslation(p/82.,0, plt.gcf().dpi_scale_trans)
trans = plt.gca().transData

scat = ax.scatter([], [], s=5**2,marker='o', c='white', alpha = 0.5,zorder=3,transform=trans+offset(+2) )
scats=[scat] ## this is iterable, too!


for (group, gdf), group_line in zip(df.groupby('group'), lines+scats):
        if group in ['A','B']:
            X, Y, PDF = mvpdfs(gdf['X'].values, gdf['Y'].values, xlim, ylim)
        elif group in ['C']:
            x,y=(gdf['X'].values, gdf['Y'].values)
            scat.set_offsets( gdf[['X','Y']].values )



return  cfs.collections + scats + lines # make sure that these are iterable!


Secondary plot option

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