python - Pandas 和 Plotly : how to access data columns in the hover text that are not used to plot the point?

标签 python pandas data-visualization plotly-python

Plotly 的文档显示一个 hovertemplate可以访问文本中的 x 和 y 值,但我们如何访问其他列中的数据?


import pandas as pd  
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot


test_data = {"client1-percent":[90,100,60]
             , "client1-volume":[500000,3542,20000]
             , "client2-percent":[99,63,98]
df = pd.DataFrame(test_data)

data = [go.Scatter(
    x = df.index.values
    , y = df.loc[:,col].values
    , hovertemplate = "Percent: %{y:.1f}% | Volume: {}"
    , mode = 'lines+markers'
    , name = col.replace("-percent","")
) for col in df.columns if "-volume" not in col]

plot(data, filename='test.html')

enter image description here



好的,我想我有你想要的。我必须将 client3-volume 的名称更改为 client2-volume 以便我可以通过列表理解中的一些逻辑来获取它。我在Scatter对象中创建了一个文本对象,通过hoverinfo将y和文本都传递到hovertemplate中。如果您有更聪明的方法从您的 df 中获取与客户百分比列关联的音量列,您可以将 text = ... 更改为任何将向其发送所需数据的内容。

test_data = {"client1-percent":[90,100,60]
             , "client1-volume":[500000,3542,20000]
             , "client2-percent":[99,63,98]

df = pd.DataFrame(test_data)

data = [go.Scatter(
    x = df.index.values
    , y = df.loc[:,col].values
    , text = df[col.replace('-percent','-volume')].values
    , hoverinfo = 'y+text'
    , hovertemplate = "Percent: %{y:.1f}% | Volume: %{text}"
    , mode = 'lines+markers'
    , name = col.replace("-percent","")
) for col in df.columns if "-volume" not in col]

plot(data, filename='test.html')

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