python - 将用户值传递给 WHERE 子句

标签 python pymysql

我尝试使用 Python 和 PymySQL 将两个用户输入值的组合传递到 WHERE 子句中。


sign_input = input("Please enter <, =, > for population check ")
Pop_Lim = input("Please input a number for population parameter ")

Where_Limit = sign_input +" "+ Pop_Lim

conn = psq.connect("localhost","root","root","City",cursorclass=psq.cursors.DictCursor)

query = "SELECT * FROM city Where Population %s"

with conn:
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, Where_Limit)
    city = cursor.fetchall()
    for row in city:
        print(row["ID"], row["Name"]," :   ",row["CountryCode"]," :   ",row["District"]," :   ",row["Population"])     # insert spacers for legibility purposes

该错误表明我建议Where_Limit 变量存在问题。

有关如何解决此问题或将符号和总体变量传递到 SQL 命令中的 Where 函数的任何建议吗?


如果允许这样做,可能会存在安全风险。首先,确定在服务器上,如果这是针对 Web 服务器的,则 sign_input< 之一, = ,和>然后,您可以使用字符串连接( query = "SELECT * FROM city Where Population " + sign_input + " %s" )或一组 if/elif声明:

if sign_input == '<':
    query = "SELECT * FROM city Where Population < %s"
elif sign_input == '=':
    query = "SELECT * FROM city Where Population = %s"
elif sign_input == '>':
    query = "SELECT * FROM city Where Population > %s"

连接更短且更少重复,但更容易确保 if/elif具有恒定字符串的链是安全的。对 sign_input 使用一组不同的合法值也更容易。与 if/elif链。

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