python - 3D 动画中每个球体的随机方向

标签 python animation 3d

我正在尝试创建一个 3D 动画,每个球体以随机方向移动(向上、向下、向左、向右、向后或向前)。它们都在 3D 世界中移动(每个球体都有随机的 X、Y 和 Z 值),并投影在 2D 屏幕上。虽然我期望每个球体独立于其他球体沿随机方向移动,但这些球体似乎完全沿一个方向移动,如下所示。 enter image description here


# random X, Y, Z: fill X, Y and Z coordinates with uniform random values that serve as coordinates 

for sphere in spheres:
    sphere.position.xy = np.random.uniform(-20, 20, size=2)
    sphere.position.z = np.random.uniform(z_near, z_far)

# Create two angles for each sphere, theta and phi, to compute the change of direction.

     sphere.theta_deg = np.random.rand(1) * 360; # Angle thera controls the horizontal orientation of the gaze.
     sphere.phi_deg = np.random.rand(1) * 360;   # Angle Phi controls the vertical orientation of the gaze.

# Different directions

speed = 3;                                             #degrees/seconds
theta_rad = sphere.theta_deg * np.pi /180;              #direction converted to radians
phi_rad = sphere.phi_deg* np.pi /180;                   #direction converted to radians

dx = speed*np.sin(-phi_rad-theta_rad)/frameRate;
dy = -speed*np.cos(phi_rad + theta_rad)/frameRate;
dz = -speed*np.cos(theta_rad)/frameRate;    

while 1:

     # Modulate the angular directions
     dx = speed*np.sin(-phi_rad-theta_rad)/frameRate;
     dy = -speed*np.cos(phi_rad + theta_rad)/frameRate;
     dz = -speed*np.cos(theta_rad)/frameRate;

     for sphere in spheres:

         # Update Spheres Positions
         sphere.position.x += dx
         sphere.position.y += dy
         sphere.position.z += dz




while之前循环程序计算单个 theta_rad和一个phi_rad来自theta_degphi_deg spheres 中最终球体的值列表。然后它使用 theta_radphi_rad计算单个dx ,单个dy和一个dz 。然后它使用 for循环应用这些 dx , dydz列表中每个球体的值。列表中的所有球体都获得完全相同的增量,这就是它们都朝相同方向移动的原因。

(程序每次执行 dx 循环时也会重新计算完全相同的 dydzwhile 值。这不会造成任何额外的损害,只是毫无意义。)

要修复,您需要单独计算 theta_radphi_rad每个球体的值(基于每个球体的独特 theta_degphi_deg 属性);你需要使用那些per-sphere theta_radphi_rad单独计算的值 dx , dydz每个领域的值(value)观;你需要存储这些每个球体 dx , dydz值作为该领域的属性。

然后每次围绕while循环您将调整每个单独球体的 position.x , position.yposition.z通过添加该球体自己的 dx , dydz值。

您可以执行所有额外的每球体计算并将其存储在第一个 for 中。环形。它会变成这样:

speed = 3  # define this before the 'for' loop so that we can use it inside the loop

for sphere in spheres:
    sphere.position.xy = np.random.uniform(-20, 20, size=2)
    sphere.position.z = np.random.uniform(z_near, z_far)

    sphere.theta_deg = np.random.rand(1) * 360
    sphere.phi_deg = np.random.rand(1) * 360

    theta_rad = sphere.theta_deg * np.pi / 180
    phi_rad = sphere.phi_deg* np.pi / 180

    sphere.dx = speed * np.sin(-phi_rad - theta_rad) / frameRate
    sphere.dy = -speed * np.cos(phi_rad + theta_rad) / frameRate = -speed * np.cos(theta_rad) / frameRate

你的 while 循环将变得更加简单,基本上:

while 1:
    for sphere in spheres:
        sphere.position.x += sphere.dx
        sphere.position.y += sphere.dy
        sphere.position.z +=

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