python - 网格数据上的高效卡尔曼滤波器实现

标签 python numpy kalman-filter


最终,我总是不得不从各个“像素”中提取数据,并构建相关的矩阵/向量,因此这个过程非常慢(请注意,每个单独的时间序列中的间隙是不同的,通常,所以是将状态与观测值联系起来的 H 矩阵)。我不熟悉 cython,它可能会有所帮助(只是我不熟悉它)。

我只是想知道是否巧妙地重新表述问题或巧妙的数据结构是否可以更有效地进行时间过滤。我宁愿只使用 numpy/scipy,而不是 OpenCV,否则依赖额外的包会很麻烦。


我制作了一个像这样的简单矢量化卡尔曼滤波器来处理电影帧。它非常快,但目前仅限于一维输入和输出,并且它不会对任何滤波器参数进行 EM 优化。

import numpy as np

def runkalman(y, RQratio=10., meanwindow=10):
    A simple vectorised 1D Kalman smoother

    y       Input array. Smoothing is always applied over the first 

    RQratio     An estimate of the ratio of the variance of the output 
            to the variance of the state. A higher RQ ratio will 
            result in more smoothing.

    meanwindow  The initial mean and variance of the output are 
            estimated over this number of timepoints from the start 
            of the array

        Ghahramani, Z., & Hinton, G. E. (1996). Parameter Estimation for
        Linear Dynamical Systems.

        Yu, B., Shenoy, K., & Sahani, M. (2004). Derivation of Extented
        Kalman Filtering and Smoothing Equations.

    x,vpre,vpost = forwardfilter(y, RQratio=RQratio, meanwindow=meanwindow)
    x,v = backpass(x, vpre, vpost)
    x[np.isnan(x)] = 0.
    return x

def forwardfilter(y, RQratio=10., meanwindow=10):
    the Kalman forward (filter) pass:

        xpost,Vpre,Vpost = forwardfilter(y)

    y = np.array(y,copy=False,subok=True,dtype=np.float32)

    xpre = np.empty_like(y)
    xpost = np.empty_like(y)
    Vpre = np.empty_like(y)
    Vpost = np.empty_like(y)
    K = np.empty_like(y)

    # initial conditions
    pi0 = y[:meanwindow].mean(0)
    ystd = np.std(y,0)
    R = ystd * ystd
    Q = R / RQratio
    V0 = Q

    xpre[0] = xpost[0] = pi0
    Vpre[0] = Vpost[0] = V0
    K[0] = 0

    # loop forwards through time
    for tt in xrange(1, y.shape[0]):

        xpre[tt] = xpost[tt-1]
        Vpre[tt] = Vpost[tt-1] + Q

        K[tt] = Vpre[tt] / (Vpre[tt] + R)
        xpost[tt] = xpre[tt] + K[tt] * (y[tt] - xpre[tt])
        Vpost[tt] = Vpre[tt] - K[tt] * (Vpre[tt])

    return xpost,Vpre,Vpost

def backpass(x, Vpre, V):
    the Kalman backward (smoothing) pass:

        xpost,Vpost = backpass(x,Vpre,V)

    xpost = np.empty_like(x)
    Vpost = np.empty_like(x)
    J = np.empty_like(x)

    xpost[-1] = x[-1]
    Vpost[-1] = V[-1]

    # loop backwards through time
    for tt in xrange(x.shape[0]-1, 0, -1):
        J[tt-1] = V[tt-1] / Vpre[tt]
        xpost[tt-1] = x[tt-1] + J[tt-1] * (xpost[tt] - x[tt-1])
        Vpost[tt-1] = V[tt-1] + J[tt-1] * (Vpost[tt] - Vpre[tt]) * J[tt-1]

    return xpost,Vpost 

如果有人知道 Python 中支持多维输入/输出和 EM 参数优化的矢量化卡尔曼平滑器实现,我很想听听!我向 PyKalman 提出了功能请求维护者,但他们表示清晰度比速度更重要。

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