Python >>= 十进制转二进制函数的帮助

标签 python


while n > 0:
    b = str(n % 2) + b
    n >>= 1

但是我不知道 >>= 的作用,你能启发我吗?



这是一个二进制右移运算。 n 中的位向右移动 1。这相当于 n = n >> 1

来自BitwiseOperators in python :

x >> y: Returns x with the bits shifted to the right by y places. This is the same as //'ing x by 2**y.

例如,假设一个整数 4,我们将其向右移动 1 位。

 # First let's look at what 4 is in binary.
 >>> bin(4)[2:].zfill(8) # this pads to 8 bits.

 # If you shift all the bits towards the right 1 places the result is
 # '00000010', which in turn is 2 in base 10.
 >>> 4 >> 1

 >>> bin(2)[2:].zfill(8)

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