python - 使用 xlwt 优化 xls 文件中的添加行

标签 python xlrd xlwt

我遇到了一个大 xls 文件的大问题。当我的应用程序添加新的统计记录(文件末尾的新行)时,需要很长的时间(一分钟)。如果我用空的 xls 文件替换它,效果最好(1-2 秒)。因此,如果可能的话,我会尝试对此进行优化。


def add_stats_record():
    # Add record
    lock = LockFile(STATS_FILE)
    with lock:
        # Open for read
        rb = open_workbook(STATS_FILE, formatting_info=True)
        sheet_records = rb.sheet_by_index(0)

        # record_id
        START_ROW = sheet_records.nrows
            record_id = int(sheet_records.cell(START_ROW - 1, 0).value) + 1
            record_id = 1

        # Open for write
        wb = copy(rb)
        sheet_records = wb.get_sheet(0)

        # Set normal style
        style_normal = xlwt.XFStyle()
        normal_font = xlwt.Font()
        style_normal.font = normal_font

        # Prepare some data here
        # then:

        for i, col in enumerate(SHEET_RECORDS_COLS):
            sheet_records.write(START_ROW, i, possible_values.get(col[0], ''),




import xlwt, xlrd
from xlutils.copy import copy as copy
from time import time

def add_stats_record():
    #Open for read
    start_time = time()
    rb = xlrd.open_workbook(STATS_FILE, formatting_info=True)
    sheet_records_original = rb.sheet_by_index(0)
    print('Elapsed time for opening:            %.2f' % (time()-start_time))
    start_time = time()
    START_ROW = sheet_records_original.nrows
    SHEET_RECORDS_COLS = sheet_records_original.ncols
        record_id = int(sheet_records.cell(START_ROW - 1, 0).value) + 1
        record_id = 1
    print('Elapsed time for record ID:          %.2f' % (time()-start_time))
    #Open for write
    start_time = time()
    wb = copy(rb)
    sheet_records = wb.get_sheet(0)
    print('Elapsed time for write:              %.2f' % (time()-start_time))
    #Set normal style
    style_normal = xlwt.XFStyle()
    normal_font = xlwt.Font()
    style_normal.font = normal_font

    #Read all the data and get some stats
    start_time = time()
    max_col = {}
    start_time = time()
    for col_idx in range(0,16):
        max_value = 0
        for row_idx in range(START_ROW):
            if sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value:
                val = float(sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value)
                if val > max_value:
                    max_col[col_idx] = str(row_idx) + ';' + str(col_idx)

    text_cells = [[0 for x in range(15)] for y in range(START_ROW)] 
    for col_idx in range(16,31):
        max_value = 0
        for row_idx in range(START_ROW):
            if sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value:
                val = str(sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value).replace('text', '').count(str(col_idx))
                if val > max_value:
                    max_col[col_idx] = str(row_idx) + ';' + str(col_idx)
    print('Elapsed time for reading data/stats: %.2f' % (time()-start_time))
    #Write the stats row
    start_time = time()
    for i in range(SHEET_RECORDS_COLS):
        sheet_records.write(START_ROW, i, max_col[i], style_normal)

    start_time = time()
    print('Elapsed time for writing:            %.2f' % (time()-start_time))    

if __name__ == '__main__':
    STATS_FILE = 'output.xls'
    start_time2 = time()
    print ('Total time:                         %.2f' % (time() - start_time2))

Elapsed time for opening: 2.43
Elapsed time for record ID: 0.00
Elapsed time for write: 7.62
Elapsed time for reading data/stats: 2.35
Elapsed time for writing: 3.33
Total time: 15.75

从这些结果可以清楚地看出,您的代码几乎没有任何改进的空间。打开/复制/写入弥补了大部分时间,但只是对 xlrd/xlwt 的简单调用。


使用 openpyxl 也不会提高性能。

from openpyxl import load_workbook
from time import time

#Load workbook
start_time = time()
wb = load_workbook('output.xlsx')
print('Elapsed time for loading workbook: %.2f' % (time.time()-start_time))    

#Read all data
start_time = time()
ws =
cell_range1 = ws['A1':'P20001']
cell_range2 = ws['Q1':'AF20001']
print('Elapsed time for reading workbook: %.2f' % (time.time()-start_time))    

#Save to a new workbook
start_time = time()"output_tmp.xlsx")
print('Elapsed time for saving workbook:  %.2f' % (time.time()-start_time))    

Elapsed time for loading workbook: 22.35
Elapsed time for reading workbook: 0.00
Elapsed time for saving workbook: 21.11

Ubuntu 14.04(虚拟机)/Python2.7-64bit/普通硬盘(与原生Windows 10结果相似,Python 3加载性能较差,但写入性能更好)。

使用 Pandas 和 Numpy 生成随机数据

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#just random numbers
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(20000,30), columns=range(0,30))
#convert half the columns to text
for i in range(15,30):
    df[i] = 'text' + df[i].astype(str)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(STATS_FILE)


差异:总共所需时间减少 12%(两个脚本的 n=3)。不太好,但除了不使用 Excel 文件之外,我想不出其他方法。

def xls_copy(STATS_FILE, START_ROW, style_normal):
    from xlutils.copy import copy as copy
    from time import sleep, time
    from os import stat
    from xlrd import open_workbook
    print('started 2nd thread')
    start_time = time()
    rb = open_workbook(STATS_FILE, formatting_info=True)
    wb = copy(rb)
    sheet_records = wb.get_sheet(0)
    print('2: Elapsed time for xls_copy:         %.2f' % (time()-start_time))

    counter = 0
    filesize = stat('tmp.txt').st_size

    while filesize == 0 and counter < 10**5:
        filesize = stat('tmp.txt').st_size
        counter +=1
    with open('tmp.txt', 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            cells = line.split(';')
            sheet_records.write(START_ROW, int(cells[0]), cells[1], style_normal)

    start_time = time()'tmp_' + STATS_FILE)
    print('2: Elapsed time for writing:          %.2f' % (time()-start_time))

from xls_copy import xls_copy
import xlwt, xlrd
from time import time
from multiprocessing import Process

def add_stats_record():

    #Open for read
    start_time = time()
    rb = xlrd.open_workbook(STATS_FILE, formatting_info=True)
    sheet_records_original = rb.sheet_by_index(0)
    print('Elapsed time for opening:            %.2f' % (time()-start_time))
    start_time = time()
    START_ROW = sheet_records_original.nrows
    f = open('tmp.txt', 'w')
    #Set normal style
    style_normal = xlwt.XFStyle()
    normal_font = xlwt.Font()
    style_normal.font = normal_font

    #start 2nd thread
    p = Process(target=xls_copy, args=(STATS_FILE, START_ROW, style_normal,))
    print('continuing with 1st thread')
    SHEET_RECORDS_COLS = sheet_records_original.ncols
        record_id = int(sheet_records.cell(START_ROW - 1, 0).value) + 1
        record_id = 1
    print('Elapsed time for record ID:          %.2f' % (time()-start_time))

    #Read all the data and get some stats
    start_time = time()
    max_col = {}
    start_time = time()
    for col_idx in range(0,16):
        max_value = 0
        for row_idx in range(START_ROW):
            if sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value:
                val = float(sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value)
                if val > max_value:
                    max_col[col_idx] = str(row_idx) + ';' + str(col_idx)

    text_cells = [[0 for x in range(15)] for y in range(START_ROW)] 
    for col_idx in range(16,31):
        max_value = 0
        for row_idx in range(START_ROW):
            if sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value:
                val = str(sheet_records_original.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value).replace('text', '').count(str(col_idx))
                if val > max_value:
                    max_col[col_idx] = str(row_idx) + ';' + str(col_idx)
    #write statistics to a temp file
    with open('tmp.txt', 'w') as f:
        for k in max_col:
            f.write(str(k) + ';' + max_col[k] + str('\n'))
    print('Elapsed time for reading data/stats: %.2f' % (time()-start_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':

    done = False
    wb = None
    STATS_FILE = 'output.xls'
    start_time2 = time()
    print ('Total time:                          %.2f' % (time() - start_time2))

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