Python 2.7.13 多行打印

标签 python printing indentation multiline



def river():
    print "You are traveling through deciduous forest."
    print "There is nothing going on, except a few squirrels and a hedge."
    print "Squirrels are fighting over nuts and a hedge is getting fat eating an apple."
    print "Then you see a wide, deep river. The stream is very strong."
    print "What are you going to do next?"
    print "1. Try to swim the river."
    print "2. Watch the squirrels and hedge."
    print "3. Turn back."

    while True:
        choice = raw_input("> ")

        if choice == "1" or choice == "swim":
            print """You are doing well when in the middle of a river
something begins to bite you near legs. The bitting gets stronger
and you soon realize that piranhas are tearing chunks of your meat
off. Soon there is nothing left of you that the bones. The piranhas
seems satisfied, since they got a free meal."""
        if choice == "2" or choice == "watch":
            print "You keep watching animals and are becoming more and more thirsty and hungry."
        if choice == "3" or choice == "turn back" or choice == "turn":


我不喜欢这些打印语句。如果我使用多行打印,就像选择 1 一样,缩进看起来不太好。它与 def River() 位于同一行。这是正常的风格还是不好的风格?如果我缩进选择 I 下的文本,使其与选择 1 位于同一行,.. 那么当我在命令 promt 中启动脚本时,它看起来不太好。我该如何解决这个问题?




print ("You are traveling through deciduous forest.\n"
       "There is nothing going on, except a few squirrels and a hedge.\n"
       "Squirrels are fighting over nuts and a hedge is getting fat eating an apple.\n"
       "Then you see a wide, deep river. The stream is very strong.")

上面的括号隐式地延续字符串。请参阅the Python docs 。例如:

print ("foo "

打印“foo bar”


请注意,print 语句和第一个括号之间有一个空格。在python3中,其中print是一个函数,那里不应该有空格。

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