python - 如何使用 Boost.Python 使用带有 std::map 或 std::vector 参数的构造函数来包装 C++ 类?

标签 python c++11 boost stdvector stdmap

免责声明:是的,我确实知道关于 boost::python::map_indexing_suite

任务:我有一个 C++ 类,我想用 Boost.Python 包装它。它的构造函数采用 std::map争论。这是 C++ header :

// myclass.hh
typedef std::map<int, float> mymap_t;

class MyClass {
  explicit MyClass(const mymap_t& m);
  // ...
// ...

这是 Boost.Python 包装器(仅重要部分):

#include "mymap.hh"
#include "boost/python.hpp"
#include "boost/python/suite/indexing/map_indexing_suite.hpp"

namespace bpy = boost::python;

// wrapping mymap_t

// wrapping MyClass
bpy::class_<MyClass>("MyClass", "My example class",
  bpy::init<mymap_t>()   // ??? what to put here?
  // .def(...method wrappers...)

这可以编译。但是,我无法创建映射的 MyClass我无法从Python端获取对象,因为我不知道将什么作为参数传递给构造函数。字典不会转换为 std::map -s 自动:

# python test
myclass = MyClass({1:3.14, 5:42.03})


Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
    MyClass.__init__(MyClass, dict)
did not match C++ signature:
    __init__(_object*, std::__1::map<int, float, ...

MyMap Python端也不能用字典初始化。

在谷歌上搜索了一天中最好的部分后,我只能找到采用 std::map 的“正常”方法的示例。使用 .def(...) 映射的参数。并在 .def(...)您不必显式指定映射方法的参数,它们会被神奇地发现。对于构造函数,您必须使用 boost::python::init<...>() ,或者至少这是我从文档中了解到的。


  1. 我可以在 MyMap 中添加一些内容吗?包装来帮助map_indexing_suite从Python字典转换?
  2. 我可以在 boost::python::init<...> 中使用不同的模板参数吗?在 MyClass wrapper ?
  3. 还有其他想法吗...?

注意:我还看到过this accepted answer at SO ,然后我向下滚动并阅读@YvesgereY 的评论:

"For the record, map_indexing_suite solution doesn't work, since no implicit "dict->std::map" from_python converter will be applied."



我找到了一个很好的解决方案:添加了一个可以将Python字典转换为std::map的模板。逻辑基于this extremely useful primer ,稍作修改主要来自 this source file以及一些附加评论。


// dict2map.hh
#include "boost/python.hpp"
namespace bpy = boost::python;

/// This template encapsulates the conversion machinery.
template<typename key_t, typename val_t>
struct Dict2Map {

    /// The type of the map we convert the Python dict into
    typedef std::map<key_t, val_t> map_t;

    /// constructor
    /// registers the converter with the Boost.Python runtime
    Dict2Map() {
            , &bpy::converter::wrap_pytype<&PyDict_Type>::get_pytype

    /// Check if conversion is possible
    static void* convertible(PyObject* objptr) {
        return PyDict_Check(objptr)? objptr: nullptr;

    /// Perform the conversion
    static void construct(
        PyObject* objptr,
        bpy::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data
    ) {
        // convert the PyObject pointed to by `objptr` to a bpy::dict
        bpy::handle<> objhandle{ bpy::borrowed(objptr) };   // "smart ptr"
        bpy::dict d{ objhandle };

        // get a pointer to memory into which we construct the map
        // this is provided by the Python runtime
        void* storage = 

        // placement-new allocate the result
        new(storage) map_t{};

        // iterate over the dictionary `d`, fill up the map `m`
        map_t& m{ *(static_cast<map_t *>(storage)) };
        bpy::list keys{ d.keys() };
        int keycount{ static_cast<int>(bpy::len(keys)) };
        for (int i = 0; i < keycount; ++i) {
            // get the key
            bpy::object keyobj{ keys[i] };
            bpy::extract<key_t> keyproxy{ keyobj };
            if (! keyproxy.check()) {
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Bad key type");
            key_t key = keyproxy();

            // get the corresponding value
            bpy::object valobj{ d[keyobj] };
            bpy::extract<val_t> valproxy{ valobj };
            if (! valproxy.check()) {
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Bad value type");
            val_t val = valproxy();
            m[key] = val;

        // remember the location for later
        data->convertible = storage;

为了使用它,您必须创建一个 Dict2Map实例,以便调用其构造函数。一种可能的方法是创建一个静态 Dict2Map<key_t, val_t>定义 Python 包装器的源文件中的变量。使用我的例子:

#include "mymap.hh"
#include "dict2map.hh"

// register the converter at runtime
static Dict2Map<char, double> reg{};

#include "boost/python.hpp" // not really necessary
namespace bpy = boost::python;

// wrapping MyClass
bpy::class_<MyClass>("MyClass", "My example class",
  // .def(...method wrappers...)

现在可以创建MyClass Python 端的对象如下所示:

myclass = MyClass({"foo":1, "bar":2})

编辑:Python列表可以转换为C++ std::vector -s 以类似的方式。这是相应的模板:

template<typename elem_t>
struct List2Vec {

    /// The type of the vector we convert the Python list into
    typedef std::vector<elem_t> vec_t;

    /// constructor
    /// registers the converter
    List2Vec() {
            , &bpy::converter::wrap_pytype<&PyList_Type>::get_pytype

    /// Check if conversion is possible
    static void* convertible(PyObject* objptr) {
        return PyList_Check(objptr)? objptr: nullptr;

    /// Perform the conversion
    static void construct(
        PyObject* objptr,
        bpy::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data
    ) {
        // convert the PyObject pointed to by `objptr` to a bpy::list
        bpy::handle<> objhandle{ bpy::borrowed(objptr) };   // "smart ptr"
        bpy::list lst{ objhandle };

        // get a pointer to memory into which we construct the vector
        // this is provided by the Python side somehow
        void* storage = 

        // placement-new allocate the result
        new(storage) vec_t{};

        // iterate over the list `lst`, fill up the vector `vec`
        int elemcount{ static_cast<int>(bpy::len(lst)) };
        vec_t& vec{ *(static_cast<vec_t *>(storage)) };
        for (int i = 0; i < elemcount; ++i) {
            // get the element
            bpy::object elemobj{ lst[i] };
            bpy::extract<elem_t> elemproxy{ elemobj };
            if (! elemproxy.check()) {
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Bad element type");
            elem_t elem = elemproxy();

        // remember the location for later
        data->convertible = storage;

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