python - 如何在Python 3.5中选择小数点后的第一个数字?

标签 python python-3.x

我目前正在学习 Python(到目前为止很喜欢它)并且制作了一个小华氏/摄氏度转换器。


Please enter the degrees in Fahrenheit or Celsius to convert: 32

32.0 degrees Celsius is 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

32.0 degrees Fahrenheit is 0.0 degrees Celsius.

Do you want to calculate again? (y/n):

这就是我想要的,除非小数点后的尾随数字是 0(整数),否则我想完全删除 .0(即 5.0 到 5)。我猜我想要一个 if 语句来测试它是否等于零,但是我将如何选择该值?


answer = "ERROR"

def calcfc():
""" Calculates F to C and C to F, prints out,
    and asks if user wants to run again """
        degrees = float(input("\nPlease enter the degrees in Fahrenheit or Celsius to convert: "))
    except Exception:
        input("\nEnter a valid number next time. Hit enter to terminate.")

    ftoc = (degrees - 32) * 5 / 9
    ctof = (degrees * 9) / 5 + 32

    print("\n{} degrees Celsius is {:.1f} degrees Fahrenheit.".format(degrees, ctof))
    print("{} degrees Fahrenheit is {:.1f} degrees Celsius.".format(degrees, ftoc))
    global answer
    answer = input("\n\nDo you want to calculate again? (y/n): ")


# run again?
while answer != "y" and answer != "n":
    answer = input("\nPlease enter y for yes or n for no: ")
while answer == "y":
if answer == "n":


您必须将数字转换为字符串并测试它是否以 .0 结尾:

number = 23.04
text = "{:.1f}".format(number)
if text.endswith(".0"):
    text = text[:-2]

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