python - 将价目表从较长的长度调整为较小的长度

标签 python pandas interpolation resampling rescale

给定以下包含 60 个元素的 pandas 数据框。

import pandas as pd
data = [60,62.75,73.28,75.77,70.28

data_pd = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["price"])

是否有一个公式可以以这种方式重新缩放它,以便对于从索引 0 到索引 i+1 开始的大于 20 个元素的每个窗口,数据为重新调整为 20 个元素?


miniLenght = 20
rescaledData = []
for i in range(len(data_pd)):
    if(i >= miniLenght):
        dataForScaling = data_pd[0:i]
        scaledDataToMinLenght = dataForScaling #do the scaling here so that the length of the rescaled data is always equal to miniLenght

基本上,重新缩放后,rescaledData 应有 40 个数组,每个数组的长度为 20 个价格。


从阅读本文来看,您似乎正在将列表大小调整回 20 个索引,然后在 20 个索引处插入数据。

我们将像它们一样创建索引(range(0, len(large), step = len(large)/miniLenght)),然后使用 numpys interp - 有一百万种数据插值方法。 np.interp 使用线性插值,因此如果您要求索引 1.5,您将获得点 1 和 2 的平均值,依此类推。


import numpy as np
miniLenght = 20
rescaledData = []

for i in range(len(data_pd)):
    if(i >= miniLenght):
        dataForScaling = data_pd['price'][0:i]
        #figure out how many 'steps' we have
        steps = len(dataForScaling)
        #make indices where the data needs to be sliced to get 20 points
        indices = np.arange(0,steps, step = steps/miniLenght)
        #use np.interp at those points, with the original values as given
        rescaledData.append(np.interp(indices, np.arange(steps), dataForScaling))


[array([ 60.  ,  62.75,  73.28,  75.77,  70.28,  67.85,  74.58,  72.91,
         68.33,  78.59,  75.58,  78.93,  74.61,  85.3 ,  84.63,  84.61,
         87.76,  95.02,  98.83,  92.44]),
 array([ 60.    ,  63.2765,  73.529 ,  74.9465,  69.794 ,  69.5325,
         74.079 ,  71.307 ,  72.434 ,  77.2355,  77.255 ,  76.554 ,
         81.024 ,  84.8645,  84.616 ,  86.9725,  93.568 ,  98.2585,
         93.079 ,  85.182 ]),.....

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