python - 如何在 pandas 数据帧上使用 pool.starmap()?

标签 python pandas multiprocessing

关于 this post 的第二个答案, 我试过下面的代码

from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
from itertools import repeat
import pandas as pd

def doubler(number, r):
    result = number * 2 + r
    return result

def f1():
    return np.random.randint(20)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [10,20,30,40,50,60], "B": [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6]})
    num_chunks = 3
    # break df into 3 chunks
    chunks_dict = {i:np.array_split(df, num_chunks)[i] for i in range(num_chunks)}

    arg1 = f1()

    with Pool() as pool:
        results = pool.starmap(doubler, [zip(chunks_dict[i]['B'], repeat(arg1)) for i in range(num_chunks)])


>>> [(-1, 20, -1, 20, -2, 20), (-3, 20, -3, 20, -4, 20), (-5, 20, -5, 20, -6, 20)]

这不是我想要的结果。我想要的是将 dfB 列的每个元素以及 f1< 的输出提供给 doubler 函数 - 这就是为什么我使用 starmaprepeat - 将输入的列表输出加倍并添加一些随机整数。


>>> [0,-2,-4,-6,-8,-10] # [2*(-1) + 2, 2*(-2) + 2, ... ]



with Pool() as pool:
    results = pool.starmap(doubler, [zip(df['B'], repeat(arg1))])

>>> TypeError: doubler() takes 2 positional arguments but 6 were given

本质上,我只想将我的数据帧分解成 block ,然后将这些 block 以及其他变量 (arg1) 放入一个接受多个参数的函数中。


你的论据看起来不对。例如,在 doubler 中添加参数的 print 后,我看到以下内容(假设 f1() 返回 2):

doubler number (-3, 2) r (-4, 2)
doubler number (-1, 2) r (-2, 2)
doubler number (-5, 2) r (-6, 2)

这是因为传递给 starmap 的参数被压缩 在一起,而不是只是一个 tuples 列表。

我认为重写分块过程和参数生成要容易得多。假设我理解正确,您希望为参数生成以下元组列表(假设 f1() 返回 2):

[(-1, 2), (-2, 2), (-3, 2), (-4, 2), (-5, 2), (-6, 2)]

然后这将应用于 doubler 函数,这样 starmap 返回此 [doubler(-1, 2), doubler(-2, 2 ),...doubler(-6, 2)][[0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10]。试试这个:

from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
from itertools import repeat
import pandas as pd

def doubler(number, r):
    result = number * 2 + r
    return result

def f1():
    return np.random.randint(20)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60], "B": [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6]})
    num_processes = 3

    # the "r" value to use with every "B" value
    random_r = f1()

    # zip together a list of tuples of each B value and the random r value
    tuples = [(b, r) for b, r in zip(df.B.values, repeat(random_r, len(df.B.values)))]

    with Pool(num_processes) as pool:
        results = pool.starmap(doubler, tuples)


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