python - pywinauto:遍历窗口中的所有控件

标签 python pywinauto


我正在寻找一种动态查找控件标识符的方法,有点像 print_control_identifiers() 但输出是一个列表或我可以循环访问的类似结构。

GitHub question 上关于控件标识符,这是提到的:

it's possible to walk the hierarchy by using .children() (immediate children only) and .descendants() (the whole subtree as a plain list)

我以为我可以遍历 Application 对象的 descendants() 列表并为每个调用一个相关的交互方法,但是我不知道如何获得这个列表。我以为我可以做这样的事情,但我没有取得任何成功:

def test(application):
    for child in application.descendants():
        #interact with child control

software = Application(backend='uia').start(cmd_line=FILE_PATH)

AttributeError:既未找到 GUI 元素(包装器)也未找到包装器方法“后代”(打字错误?)


我求助于查看 the code并找到了 print_control_identifiers 方法:

class Application(object):

    def print_control_identifiers(self, depth=None, filename=None):
        Prints the 'identifiers'
        Prints identifiers for the control and for its descendants to
        a depth of **depth** (the whole subtree if **None**).
        .. note:: The identifiers printed by this method have been made
               unique. So if you have 2 edit boxes, they won't both have "Edit"
               listed in their identifiers. In fact the first one can be
               referred to as "Edit", "Edit0", "Edit1" and the 2nd should be
               referred to as "Edit2".
        if depth is None:
            depth = sys.maxsize
        # Wrap this control
        this_ctrl = self.__resolve_control(self.criteria)[-1]

        # Create a list of this control and all its descendants
        all_ctrls = [this_ctrl, ] + this_ctrl.descendants()

        # Create a list of all visible text controls
        txt_ctrls = [ctrl for ctrl in all_ctrls if ctrl.can_be_label and ctrl.is_visible() and ctrl.window_text()]

        # Build a dictionary of disambiguated list of control names
        name_ctrl_id_map = findbestmatch.UniqueDict()
        for index, ctrl in enumerate(all_ctrls):
            ctrl_names = findbestmatch.get_control_names(ctrl, all_ctrls, txt_ctrls)
            for name in ctrl_names:
                name_ctrl_id_map[name] = index

        # Swap it around so that we are mapped off the control indices
        ctrl_id_name_map = {}
        for name, index in name_ctrl_id_map.items():
            ctrl_id_name_map.setdefault(index, []).append(name)

这表明.descendants()不是Application类的方法,而是属于控件。看来我错了。是否可以创建我自己的 print_control-identifiers() 版本,它返回可以迭代的控制对象列表?


列出顶级窗口的正确方法是。然后您可以为每个列出的窗口调用 .descendants()。在大多数情况下,应用程序只有一个顶级窗口。特别是对于 backend="uia",甚至新对话框都是主窗口的子窗口(对于 backend="win32",每个对话框都是顶级窗口)。

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