python Pandas : replace a str value of column in another str column with a special character

标签 python python-3.x string pandas


   id     num     text
   1      1.2     price is 1.2
   1      2.3     price is 1.2 or 2.3
   2      3     The total value is $3 and $130
   3      5     The apple value is 5dollar and $150



   id     num     text
   1      1.2     price is UNK
   1      2.3     price is 1.2 or UNK
   2      3    The total value is UNK and 130
   3      5     The apple value is UNK dollar and $150

z 我当前的代码如下

df_dev['text'].str.replace(df_dev['num'], 'UNK')


TypeError: 'Series' objects are mutable, thus they cannot be hashed



df.text.replace(regex=r'(?i)'+ df.num.astype(str),value="UNK")
0              price is UNK
1       price is 1.2 or UNK
2    The total value is UNK
Name: text, dtype: object

#df.text=df.text.replace(regex=r'(?i)'+ df.num.astype(str),value="UNK")


(df.text+' ').replace(regex=r'(?i) '+ df.num.astype(str)+' ',value=" UNK ")
0                      price is UNK 
1               price is 1.2 or UNK 
2    The total value is UNK and 130 
Name: text, dtype: object

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