python - 对 ssdeep 的 fuzzy.dll 使用 Python Ctypes 但收到错误

标签 python ctypes

我正在尝试使用Python和ctypes来使用ssdeep的fuzzy.dll。到目前为止,我尝试的所有操作都因访问冲突错误而失败。以下是更改到包含 fuzzy.dll 和 fuzzy.def 文件的正确目录后所做的操作:

>>> import os,sys
>>> from ctypes import *
>>> fn = create_string_buffer(os.path.abspath("fuzzy.def"))
>>> fuzz = windll.fuzzy
>>> chash = c_char_p(512)
>>> hstat = fuzz.fuzzy_hash_filename(fn,chash)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x00000200


extern int fuzzy_hash_filename(char * filename, char * result)




  1. 您不应使用 windll.fuzzy,而应使用 cdll.fuzzy -- 来自 ctypes documentation :

    cdll loads libraries which export functions using the standard cdecl calling convention, while windll libraries call functions using the stdcall calling convention.

  2. 对于返回值 (chash),您应该声明一个缓冲区,而不是创建一个指向 0x0000200 (=512) 的指针 - 这是访问的位置违规来自。请改用 create_string_buffer('\000' * 512)


>>> import os, sys
>>> from ctypes import *
>>> fn = create_string_buffer(os.path.abspath("fuzzy.def"))
>>> fuzz = cdll.fuzzy
>>> chash = create_string_buffer('\000' * 512)
>>> hstat = fuzz.fuzzy_hash_filename(fn,chash)
>>> print hstat
0 # == success

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